Cleaning teeth from a stone

Even the highest quality, regular and thorough oral care does not eliminate the problem of soft plaque and calculus formation. Their presence is the main cause of the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms on the enamel, its damage and the development of caries. Therefore, cleaning teeth from the stone should become an obligatory habit, suggesting a visit to the dentist 1-2 times a year.

Is it possible to clean the teeth from the stone at home?

Neither professional toothpastes, nor brushes and mouth rinses are able to remove hard deposits on the teeth. In turn, folk techniques using large abrasive particles (soda) or aggressive acids (lemon juice) are not just useless, but also dangerous, since they can damage the enamel.

Thus, it is possible to cope with the problem in question only with the help of special dental equipment.

Types of professional teeth cleaning from tartar

The simplest technique for eliminating hard dental deposits is sandblasting with an aqueous solution of finely dispersed sodium bicarbonate powder. The liquid is fed under high pressure, which allows to remove plaque , pigmentation and small parts of the stone. Large solid formations do not eliminate this method.

Laser brushing of teeth from stone is the most gentle and safe technique for removing deposits, since it is non-contact. The laser beam evaporates all the liquid present in the plaque, after which the stone easily and independently breaks up into small particles, without damaging the enamel.

Professional cleaning of teeth from a stone by ultrasound is the contact transfer of vibrations from the tip to the surface of solid deposits. As a result, the stone is crushed and leaves the tooth enamel. The advantage of ultrasonic cleaning is its overall health effect on the oral cavity, because under the influence of vibrations, pathogenic microbes perish in the pockets of the gums.