Excess of iodine in the body

Iodine is a vital micronutrient for the functioning of the whole organism. On a permanent basis in our body contains a large enough amount of iodine, and the entire stock is involved. The highest concentration of this micronutrient in the thyroid gland. So it is not surprising that any deviation from the norm, be it deficit or excess, will affect, first of all, hormones.

Role of iodine

Iodine has an effect, primarily on the metabolism and hormonal background. Since 20% of all iodine in the body accumulates in the thyroid gland, iodine has a decisive influence on the hormone thyroxin, responsible for human growth and development.

In addition to this function, the generation of heat also falls on the shoulders of iodine.

You lose weight, or worse, and how much your weight differs from normal - also depends on the balance of iodine within you.

Symptoms of excess iodine

In principle, the problem of excess iodine in the body is much less relevant than its lack. From the latter, by the way, about 200 million people suffer. But the surplus, in general, is not threatened by any average land-owner.

Increased concentration of iodine is a malaise of workers in large and harmful industries with frequent emissions of iodine vapor. It is in such cases and there is a chronic overabundance of iodine. That is, such people constantly suffer from the following symptoms:

But this is not all that can lead to increased iodine in the body. As well as chronic, excess can be acute - more precisely, already acute poisoning. Iodine in high doses is toxic and the symptoms are identical to any other serious poisoning - it's vomiting and diarrhea . True, if the surplus is really significant, the case can reach a lethal outcome - a person dies of shock, because at the same time a huge number of nerve endings are irritated.

However, the beauty of iodine, if this word is appropriate here, is that any variation in dosage immediately affects the first signal symptoms. With an excess of iodine, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the body temperature. If you do not have signs of inflammatory diseases, and the temperature is stably overestimated - you have hyperthyroidism, that is, an excess of iodine.

Iodine can both oppress and activate the functioning of the thyroid gland - and this is its danger, because we are healthy, as long as there is harmony within us.