How to teach a child to read fluently?

Modern parents try to pay as much attention to the development of their children. Many people are worried about the question of how to learn how to read a child fluently, since already from primary classes this skill is necessary for successful study. Information on this topic will help a large number of moms.

Exercises for learning fluent reading

For those who are interested in how to teach a child of 1 or 2 classes to read fluently, certain exercises will help in solving the problem. Doing better when the children are in a good mood and perceive everything as a game:

  1. You should write several pairs of words that differ only in one letter, for example, the whale and the cat, the wood and the weight. The child should, correctly read, find the difference.
  2. It is necessary to choose about 10 words, consisting of 2 syllables, and write them on the card. It must be cut into 2 parts. The kid should correctly collect the word from the two halves.
  3. The child should read the book, and when the mother says "stop," stop. For some time he is distracted from the book and resting, then he is given a "continue" command. The child must independently find the offer on which he stopped.
  4. You need to write a few words, skipping letters. The child must guess on his own what is written. It is believed that this exercise greatly improves reading skills. In the process of training, the ability to conceptual conjectures develops.
  5. Invite the child to find a specific word in a small text. This will allow him to form a capacity for a holistic perception of what he has written.

Other methods of learning fluent reading

Such methods are also considered effective:

It should be understood that to increase the technique of reading should be only when the baby already knows the letters well and is able to add syllables. To think about how to teach a child to read fluently is necessary when the child turns 6-7 years old, that is before entering the school.