How to plant strawberries - the best methods of planting

Not all gardeners, especially beginners, know how to plant a strawberry, take care of it. From the observance of agrotechnical measures, the use of new technologies, high-quality disembarkable material, competent and regular maintenance, the amount of harvest directly depends. Growing strawberries is not an easy thing, it requires strength, patience and time.

How to plant a strawberry?

Before planting strawberries, choose the right place by arranging quality beds, organize them on a site accessible to sunlight, well lit, the best place will be the southern slope. In a lowland or marshy soil the plant develops poorly, there is no need to expect a plentiful harvest. Before planting strawberries, you should follow the following rules:

How to plant seedlings of strawberries?

Planting strawberries is made, both in autumn and in spring, before planting seedlings, it is important that the planting material you have chosen has a good root system. Choose seedlings with rootlets on which there is a primer, otherwise they will take root for a long time. Prepare the site, apply fertilizer. Before planting strawberries, season the seedlings, keeping it in a cool place. Make holes at a distance of 25-30 cm deep, so that the roots are located vertically, add humus and wood ash to the wells, pour in water. Cover the hole with earth, lightly sealing it.

How to plant strawberries with seeds?

Knowing how to plant strawberries with seeds, in order to have your own seedlings, get ready for the fact that the plant requires attention and care. To obtain healthy, strong and not overgrown seedlings, it is necessary to ensure:

The germination process can last from two weeks to a month and a half, it all depends on the variety. After the emergence of sprouts, ensure the germs temperature regime is not lower than + 23-25 ​​° C, a light day of not less than 12-15 hours and regular spraying from the spray. To avoid condensation, raise the cover glass daily and ventilate the shoots. By planting seeds in the spring directly into the soil, in autumn you can transplant the plants to a site designated for this.

How to plant a strawberry mustache?

Thinking about how to properly plant and grow a strawberry mustache, gardeners, especially beginners, should know that the bush yields either a harvest of berries, or strong, healthy mustache. To get quality whiskers, choose a mother plant, remove all buds from it, eliminating flowering and the appearance of fruits. In the beginning of summer the bush will give a mustache, leave the strongest, all the rest off. When the roots appear, either cut them into the soil, or prikopayte in a separate pot, placed next to the bush. At the end of July, take the rooted mustache from the mother bush and plant it in the ground.

At what distance do you plant strawberries?

If you decide to cultivate strawberries on your site, you should start with the correct planting of this garden berry culture. To determine the distance to plant a strawberry, choose one of the ways of planting:

In what kind of soil to plant strawberries?

There is a direct link between how to plant strawberries correctly, what soil composition is optimal for it and high yields of this crop. The best fecundity is observed on chernozem, flavored with ashes and on dark gray forest soils, light in composition, light gray, turf soil is less acceptable for strawberries. Before planting strawberry bushes in the soil, make sure that there are no pests, and if found, destroy them. In the winter, try to provide snow retention measures on a designated area, in the spring dig up the earth and apply fertilizer.

After what culture do you plant strawberries?

The place of strawberry landing should be periodically changed (it should be done every 3-5 years), so that the high strain activity of the spores, which carry the pathogenic fungi, and the ectoparasites, do not develop. Varieties should also be changed, since parasites have the property of adapting to certain species, and plants are powerless against them. When undertaking the transplantation of strawberries to a new site, you need to consider: after what crops you can plant strawberries, and after which it is not recommended.

Experts recommend to allocate sites for strawberries, after they grow:

If after harvesting of the crops listed in the early autumn to plant strawberries, then for a good harvest, expect it next summer. However, there is a list of crops, after which it is not recommended to plant strawberries, as well as next to them:

When can I plant strawberries?

When choosing the time of the year when you need to plant strawberries, pay attention to its grade and climatic conditions of the terrain, the best periods in which strawberries are planted are:

If you decide to plant strawberries for the winter, then the best time to plant this berry culture is August. In those areas where a small amount of snow falls, winters are severe, it is better to transfer the disembarkation process to the spring. Young shoots will be able to grow stronger in the summer months, grow well and next year give an excellent harvest. Spring planting is estimated as more rational.

How to plant strawberries in spring?

Before planting a strawberry in the spring, fill the beds under it from the fall, remove the clods of earth, get rid of the weeds. Prepare the seedlings by "hardening" it and treating it with stimulants . Planting seedlings in the soil, watch for the optimal depth of planting, the point of growth (heart) should be located directly above the ground. After setting the bush in the hole, sprinkle it, gradually adding water. Landing in the spring in the open ground is possible during the night temperature indicator of not less than + 6-8 ° C.

When to plant a strawberry in the fall?

Autumn, many consider the time of the year when it is better to plant strawberries, because with the onset of summer, the bushes will yield a good harvest. How to plant strawberries in autumn, at what time depends on the development cycle of a particular variety and climatic conditions of the area. Autumn planting of strawberries, depending on the maturation period, is divided into three periods, of which the first two are considered preferable:

What can be planted with strawberries?

Some garden plants absolutely do not get along side by side. In the list of what can not be planted next to the strawberries, cabbage and horseradish can enter. Strawberries in terms of choosing neighbors are not very capricious, they are friends with many, for example, you can lead:

How to plant strawberries under cover material?

Many gardeners, learning how to plant strawberries in the spring under black agrobiol, resort to this method, recognizing it is very practical and convenient. Strawberry, grown under cover material, does not suffer from weeds and slugs, it is easier to care for and pick up the crops behind the beds. The soil is prepared in advance, loosened, fertilized. Planting seedlings under agrovolokno, we have its rows, for each bush making a hole size of 6x6 cm, 25 cm from each other, the formed corners bend inward. After disembarkation, each bush is watered.