Meteozavisimost - treatment

Meteozavisimost is not a normal reaction of the body to changing weather conditions. In this case, a person is dependent on external factors, which adversely affects the quality of life - from a decline in efficiency to a regularly depressed mood. It is difficult to get rid of meteorological dependence, because most often this feature of the body is inherited, and therefore a significant effort will be needed to change the situation, which consists not only in regular trips to the pharmacy for medicines, but also attentive attitude to the way of life.

If meteorological dependence is not "inherited", but was acquired due to persistent depressions, poor blood vessels, a violation of blood supply, then getting rid of it will be much easier.

And before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to understand that meteorological dependence arises not only for physiological reasons - the mental state of a person plays an important role. People with neuroses often suffer from meteosensitivity, even if the body is absolutely healthy and able to tolerate all kinds of weather conditions without changing the state of health.

How to get rid of meteozavisimosti using medication?

The first thing to do when weather-dependent - to determine what caused these states. If these are neurotic diseases, then it is necessary to take sedatives, and in severe cases - tranquilizers or antidepressants .

In this case, drugs from meteorological dependence should be prescribed by a psychiatrist, since most medications of this kind are addictive and require individual calculation and approach to the patient - the purpose of a particular medication depends on what mood prevails in a person, his reaction to the environment (inhibition, or vice versa, excitability ), quality and sleep mode, etc.

If meteozavisimost is associated mainly with the disruption of the vessels, then adaptogens are required. In this case, tablets from meteorological dependence can be in the form of ginseng or Tonginal. These funds tone the vessels, but are contraindicated at elevated blood pressure.

If the body reacts to weather with high blood pressure , then sedatives and diuretics should be taken, as well as drugs to improve lymphatic drainage (eg, Lymphomyosot). This homeopathic drug reduces intracranial pressure.

Another cure for meteorological dependence is Lucetsam. This drug improves brain function, which is often disturbed by changing weather conditions.

Cavinton is also prescribed to improve blood circulation and brain nutrition with oxygen. The medication is taken for a long time and effectively affects hypoxia, which can occur with warming.

How to treat weather dependence with the help of sports?

When meteozavisimosti it is very important to keep the body in tone and gradually load it, combining it with quality rest. In these cases, the visit to the pool is beneficial - a sharp change in the environment is a kind of tempering for the body.

Also, the patient's condition is positively influenced by evening slow walks. This elementary device should not be underestimated, because emotionally and physically the body "unloads" in the fresh air, preparing for sleep, which is also very important for an adequate response to changing weather.

How to deal with meteorological dependence through self-adjustment?

The final stage in the complex treatment of meteorological dependence is psychological work on oneself. If a person can not "hold a blow" in the psychological sense, then even a physically healthy organism will be weak because of poorly working reflexes. They start automatically, subconsciously, and if there are problems in this area, then naturally, the reaction mechanisms will work with violations. It is not for nothing that the medicines from meteosensitivity are called "adaptogenes" - the main problem is the inability to adapt to rapidly changing conditions, and therefore, in order for the organism to include the necessary mechanisms in time, taking into account weather factors of pressure, temperature, and maintain normal functioning, psychologically stable, optimistic and cheerful person.