Lung hydrothorax

Hydrotarax of the lung is a pathological condition caused by the accumulation of serous fluid in the pleural cavities. This entails a violation of gas exchange in the respiratory system and, as a consequence, cyanosis and severe suffocation. Pathology is not considered a separate disease, it is a complication that has arisen against the background of the underlying disease. According to medical statistics, the least developed is hydrothorax of the left lung, somewhat more often - right-sided hydrothorax, and, most often, doctors state the development of bilateral lung hydrothorax. Moreover, the patient may first have a right-sided or left-sided hydrothorax, which later becomes a two-sided form.

Causes of lung hydrothorax

Hydrotarax of the lung, as a rule, accompanies a disease characterized by stagnation of blood in a small circle of circulation and hypertension. These are diseases such as:

Often, lung hydrotorax occurs in oncology. The most common edematous complication of the lungs with malignant lesions affecting the lung itself, the mammary gland or the ovary. Less often, hydrothorax is formed in cancer of the digestive tract, melanoma and pleural mesothelioma.

Treatment of lung hydrothorax

Therapy of lung hydrothorax, as a rule, is carried out in a hospital setting, so that the patient's medical condition is constantly monitored. Treatment is carried out in two ways:

  1. Elimination of the cause that caused the accumulation of transudate in the pleural region, i.e. treatment of the underlying disease.
  2. Elimination of pulmonary edema.

In small amounts, the transudate can dissolve in the body without help from outside. At the expressed functional frustration the puncture with aspiration of a liquid from area of ​​its accumulation is spent. The procedure can be carried out in one or two stages with a maximum total pumping out of 1.5 liters of liquid.

Experts are convinced that all the possibilities of conservative therapy should be used, as frequent punctures can cause a decrease in the amount of protein in the body, thereby worsening the patient's position.

Treatment of lung hydrothorax with folk remedies

To help the independent resorption of the transudate and the elimination of fluid can be folk medicine. Here are the most effective recipes.

Juice of onions



Bulbs finely chopped. Sliced ​​onions are covered in sugar and left overnight. In the morning, squeeze the juice.

Take on an empty stomach 2 tablespoons.

Decoction of turnip rind



Water boil, pour it with turnip peel, placed in a saucepan. Pour the saucepan and turnip sticks into the oven and simmer for 2 hours.

Take a decoction of 1 glass a day.

Parsley with milk



Porridge thoroughly washed and finely chopped. Cut the green herbs into a saucepan and pour the milk so that the parsley was completely covered. Dishes with parsley and milk should be put in the oven, heated at a low temperature, until the liquid evaporates twice, and drain.

Take infusion should be 1-2 tablespoons every hour.

Diuretic and anti-inflammatory action has a tincture based on parsley, which can be easily prepared.

Tincture of parsley



Crushed green herbs are steamed in boiling water and left for 12 hours.

Tincture is taken before eating one tablespoon.