Lila Carlso

Having visited the largest cities of Sweden and its most famous sights , you will surely want to know the country on the other hand. Lilla-Carlso - ideal for a quiet day alone with yourself and nature.

general information

Lilla Karlsö (Lilla Karlsö) is an island in the Baltic Sea, territorially belonging to the commune of Gotland. The island covers an area of ​​1.6 square meters. km with the highest point in 66 m above sea level. Lilla-Carlso has a rounded outline, and its surface is a limestone plateau with a minimum of vegetation.

The territory of the island does not have settlements, but it is visited by more than 3000 thousand tourists annually. In 1955 Lilla-Carlso became a natural monument, and in 1964 it was given the status of a reserve.

Flora and fauna

Most of the island is deserted and has no vegetation. In the places where it grows, there are more than 300 species of vascular plants, among which the leaflet is skolopendrovy. On a small area of ​​the island grow oaks, ash and elms.

The animal world of Lilla-Carlso is also not very rich. Basically there live sheep and a lot of birds, among which there are:

How to get there and when to visit?

The island is uninhabited. But here is built a biostation, where in the summer time, scientists live and work. In addition to their main activities, they tell tourists about the island and conduct excursions .

Getting to the island of Lilla-Carlso is quite difficult. From the nearest city (Clintehamna) to the coast, you need to drive by car, and then on special boats for half an hour to sail to the island. Boats depart daily in the summer.