Feeders for rabbits

The desire to look after a decorative rabbit is always accompanied by certain costs. Funds are allocated for the acquisition of animals, the creation of optimal living conditions for them, the purchase of feed and the arrangement of cells.

Due to the constant craving for food, special attention should be paid to the feeding troughs for rabbits. They can be made from a wide variety of materials, but experienced breeders advise taking the most practical, durable and functional products. For example, in shops ceramic pots and bowls are often offered, which look very nice. But animals quickly turn them over and sit hungry. Let's consider the information on what should be the arrangement of feeders for rabbits, so that the maintenance of the livestock brings as little trouble as possible.

What should be the feeder?

If you plan to feed the rabbit with moist mixed feeds and roots, then it is worth getting heavy troughs and containers that can not be turned over. To wash them it is necessary after each feeding, in order to avoid souring and molding. Not all owners have enough time for such careful care, so bunker feeders for rabbits are increasingly preferred. The design features of such devices prevent the spreading and trampling of the granulated fodder, as food falls down as it consumes. Typically, bunker feeders are attached to the wall of the cage or to its door, and its dimensions do not exceed 30 centimeters in height and 13 centimeters in depth. The fixing method allows to remove the device on demand, when it is necessary to wash it or clean it.

The subtleties of independent production of simple feeders for rabbits

If we mean the manufacture of devices for feeding animals with our own hands, we should listen to such advice:

What other rabbit feeders are there?

Among rabbit breeders, the use of nurseries for feeding animals is quite common. Usually they put in hay or grass, but can be used for other types of food. In order for food losses to be minimal, one of the walls of the nursery should be made of slate, steel or plywood, and in the lower part of the cage, attach a visor to collect leftovers.

It is also quite appropriate to use tray troughs, which can have a variety of shapes. Basically, they are made from hewn boards or galvanized iron.

The sizes of feeders for rabbits should be formed proceeding from such generally accepted parameters:

  1. The feeder length for one adult animal should not be less than 10 cm. For the young, an interval of 5-7 cm is required.
  2. The height of the feeder from the floor must be 7-8 cm for rabbits and 10-12 cm for full individuals. This will prevent pets from entering the tank, where they can defecate and pollute the water by any other means.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account the size of the cage and the particular design of the trough or drinker.