Yarn microfiber - what is it?

Microfiber - a new generation of yarn, completely synthetic, very soft and velvety, breathable and durable. It was first made in Japan. Its fibers are 10 times thinner than silk, 30 times thinner than cotton, 40 times wool and 100 times as much as human hair!

Despite the obvious prejudice of needlewomen about synthetics, microfiber is very popular. Products with the use of this yarn today there is a huge amount.

Microfibre yarn - composition and properties

So, what exactly is a microfiber yarn? Synthetic yarn, 80% or 100% polyester and 20% polyamide or acrylic, combines the properties of natural and synthetic yarns with the use of a special manufacturing technique.

In other words, this synthetics managed to acquire all the properties of natural fibers, while remaining more durable. Absolutely, it would seem, non-hygroscopic polymer, after the production of fiber from it on high-precision and technological equipment, acquires the property of absorbing moisture and fat. That is why microfibers make napkins that can remove fat without detergents.

The secret of microfiber lies in the fact that on a thin polymer hair with an octagonal section, drawn from the polymer mass, there is an additional dissection into triangles, that is, microscopic gaps. It is these gaps that create the effect of a capillary that draws moisture into itself. Accordingly, the more fiber in the fiber has gaps, the more moisture it absorbs into itself.

What can be knitted from microfiber yarn?

The most popular manufacturers of microfiber yarn are Magic and Alize. Basically, they knit summer things: light sweaters and blouses, tops , summer suits, vests and cardigans.

It is better to choose semi-delicate weave, as well as a combination of facial and purl loops. To create a form-stable fabric, it is better to choose small diameter spokes.