Ceramic plinth

Finally, the same, often postponed for various reasons, repairs in the house went into effect. The water jokko runs through the new pipes, and the delicate bends of the faience bought recently are smugly self-satisfied in the sunlight. The new tile, selected with painstaking zeal, fully realizes the project you conceived and looks great on the kitchen floor, in harmony with the painted walls. But the question is - how to improve the joints between the floor and the wall? Laminate and wooden plinth will look like a real incident in the exposition of the room. Therefore, it is best to use a ceramic skirting board for these purposes.

Types of ceramic skirting

In itself, the principle of using ceramic skirting appeared a long time ago. Previously, in order to get a straight piece of skirting ceramic tiles, it was necessary to carefully cut the square of the tile with cutting equipment, while observing the dimensions. To perform such a work should have a certain skill. Now the plinth of ceramic tiles can be purchased in the store together with the main squares of floor or wall tiles. This is very convenient, because the tiles with floor ceramic plinth will perfectly harmonize both in color and in size.

The ceramic skirting board can have the form of a straight and an ε-shaped tile. Direct tiles are used to finish the joints between the flat floor and the wall, and the g-shaped - for the stairs. It also became possible to use a ceramic plinth for decorating joints between a wall and a bathroom, a sink, or a shower booth. The height of the skirting board is calculated by the manufacturer taking into account the height of the concrete collection of tiles, to ensure their harmonious combination in the interior. The top of the plinth is made in the form of a chamfer of a rounded cut, which gives the product an elegant and refined appearance.

How to choose a ceramic plinth?

It is best to buy a ceramic plinth along with floor tiles . Also, when buying, it should be taken into account that some material may be accidentally damaged during operation or during transportation, so when calculating the amount of material purchased, consider a 5% margin. Spare ceramic plinth tiles can then be used for repairing damaged areas of finished skirting. Mount the ceramic skirting on the same base, which is used for fixing the tiles.

The modern market offers a wide range of materials and services, so it will not be difficult to translate your wishes into life.

Do repairs with pleasure!