What is useful for hazelnuts?

The fact that nuts are a very useful product with high nutritional value has already been proven long ago. However, than hazelnut is useful, and to whom in particular it is recommended to use this nut, know not all. You should not lose the opportunity to get the maximum benefit from such a gift of nature.

Substances in hazelnut

Hazelnut is the most valuable source of unsaturated fatty acids: oleic, palmitic and stearic. In our body, these substances normalize the level of cholesterol and prevent the development of atherosclerotic processes. Therefore, hazelnuts will be useful in moderation to those with high blood cholesterol levels. In addition, fatty acids in the hazelnut are necessary for the production of membranes of their own cells, especially a lot of fat is spent on building the brain. So the hazelnut is recommended to include in the diet of pregnant women, children and workers of intellectual work. Useful properties of hazelnut for women consist also in the fact that its regular use makes the hair smooth and shiny, and the skin becomes elastic and smoothed.

Hazelnut - a source of vitamins

To finally decide whether a hazelnut is good for your health, you should remember about vitamins , which it contains in large quantities.

  1. Due to the content of B vitamins , which are actively involved in the production of red blood cells, the hazelnut effectively prevents anemia. Therefore, hazelnut is recommended for use by women during the period of gestation, vegetarians, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. This kind of nut is also very rich in vitamin E , which has antioxidant properties. So, eating a few kernels of a nut daily, you will suspend the aging process in the body and just feel better. In addition, vitamin E has a beneficial effect on the work of the female reproductive system.
  3. Vitamin C , which strengthens the vessel wall, is also contained in the hazelnut, so the walnut should be included in the menu for people with vascular diseases.
  4. In addition, the composition of the kernels of the hazelnut can be found vitamin PP (niacin), which has the ability to reduce the level of "harmful cholesterol", improve microcirculation and neutralize toxic substances.

Mineral composition of hazelnut

It is proved that hazelnut contains a lot of different minerals, however this nut is one of the record holders for the content of calcium and potassium among products of plant origin. Calcium and potassium are necessary for normal functioning of the heart muscle. Thus, there is no longer any doubt as to whether hazelnut is useful. The hazelnut is especially recommended for those who have various disorders of the cardiovascular system.

The protein structure of hazelnuts is varied enough to replace them with proteins of animal origin for those who do not consume meat. This kind of nut is a source of irreplaceable amino acids, so including it in the menu makes sense even to those who do not deny themselves meat dishes.

The use and harm of hazelnuts with losing weight

Moderate use of hazelnut to the fat burning process only helps, so many slimming mistakenly exclude it from the diet, explaining this failure by high caloric content. However, the calories in the hazelnut are "qualitative", because they contain useful proteins, fatty acids and other substances that are not deposited at the waist, but immediately become involved in biochemical processes, stimulate the metabolism, which in itself speeds up getting rid of your own stores of fat. The amount of carbohydrates in hazelnuts is small, most of them are fiber, which removes toxins from the body and improves digestion. Of course, you should not abuse nuts, hazelnuts when losing weight are useful in limited quantities - enough to eat up to 50 nuts per day.