Character traits

Each person is unique and, first of all, he is distinguished by his inner world, character traits, which are manifested in his attitude towards others, public duties, work. In the latter connection persistence, diligence, passivity, laziness, etc. manifest themselves. Certain qualities of one's character can be worked out by oneself. About this and another, we'll talk in more detail.

Formation and manifestation of character

Character is an aggregate of personal characteristics and is formed from the following sources:

It is worth noting that since childhood began to develop personal traits. This, again, is influenced by the above sources. Over the years, improving, a person can develop the necessary internal qualities . Thus, purposefulness is formed through strong motivation, willpower and hard work.

As is known, a person's personality manifests itself in various relationships, but the following are characteristic:

  1. The attitude of a person to other people (this is manifested in communicability or isolation, rudeness or tact, sincerity or hypocrisy, deceit). This attitude is also formed by personal consciousness.
  2. In relations to himself, such features of character as self-criticism, modesty, self-confidence and narcissism manifest themselves.
  3. In relations to property, care or negligence is felt, generosity is avarice, wastefulness-thrift.
  4. In relation to the case: diligence - laziness, dishonesty - responsibility.

A decisive role in the formation and development of character traits is played by attitudes toward other people, society as a whole. The nature of each person can not be understood, revealed, without knowing his behavior within the collective.

Willed character traits

They are not innate, therefore, everyone has the right to educate them in themselves. The famous scientist I. Pavlov stressed that man is the only living system capable of self-improvement. So, weak-willed persons thanks to carefully thought-out work are capable of active activity. In order that in the adult life a person does not have difficulties with the manifestation of strong-willed qualities in conflict situations, they should be developed from a young age, training the will and developing such volitional qualities of character as:

Strong character traits

People with a strong character always stand out against the background of the majority, and often their personality is set as an example to others. They differ in that their nature is present:

Weak character traits

These include all those qualities that will not help a person achieve the desired, help find a way out of a difficult life situation, will not help in self-fulfillment: