Abulia - reasons and methods of treatment

Sometimes it overtakes the desire to let things go by themselves and not take part in the ongoing events. This condition is considered normal, but if it is constantly observed, it makes sense to see a doctor, since this sign is a companion of a number of serious violations.

What is an abulia?

The name of the disease comes from the Greek word, its prefix "a" is equivalent to negation, the root "boile" means "will" and the suffix "ia", which translates as "action". It turns out that abulia is inaction, complete passivity in any area of ​​relationships. This is due to lack of desire, motivation for movement, and not due to lack of opportunities.

Abulia - Psychology

Not always a lack of desire for decisive action means the presence of pathological changes, but there is a disease that requires close attention. Abulia in psychology is a state of the psyche characterized by constant apathy and inability to make volitional decisions. This is not just a decline of strength, but a complete absence of sudden desires, a strong decline in interest in social life and a favorite hobby.

Specialists can not say what abulia means by itself, it necessarily accompanies a disease, that is, it is a sign of a mental disorder or trauma. To diagnose the root cause used psychiatric interviews, various methods of brain research, neurological testing and blood tests. Abulia is divided into the following types:

Abulia - symptoms

  1. Slow-motion thinking.
  2. Problematic decision-making.
  3. Passivity.
  4. Ignoring the norms of hygiene, slovenly appearance.
  5. Loss of motivation for work.
  6. Spontaneity or stiffness of movements.
  7. Neglect of natural human needs, even food and sleep.
  8. Reduction of social contacts, sometimes to voluntary isolation.
  9. Mutism is an unwillingness to communicate and to communicate with others.
  10. The slightest load is not accepted, the obstacles become insurmountable, excessive demands and laziness are manifested. In this case, often patients can entertain themselves all day, they eat with pleasure.

Abulia is characterized by strong-willed inactivity, often supplemented by emotional indifference, apathy. As a result, the Apato-Abulian syndrome is formed, which is manifested by closedness, indifference, propensity to reduce contacts to a minimum and prolonged silence. The most difficult course is a complete lack of movement, but the disease can also be expressed in the form of a subtle inhibition of thought processes.

Causes of Abulia

Weak manifestations of the disease are observed in people with unstable psyche and a tendency to somatoform disorders. Abulia and apathy occur when the blood supply to the right frontal region of the brain is impaired, which is due to injury or disease. Recent studies indicate a link between this problem and the inappropriate production of dopamine. Abulia can develop against the background of the following violations.

  1. Schizophrenia.
  2. Post-traumatic and post-stroke state.
  3. Diseases of Parkinson , Pick, Alzheimer, Huntington.
  4. Congenital dementia.
  5. Intoxication with alcohol, drugs and drugs.
  6. Severe depression.
  7. The consequences of infectious diseases and hypoxia.
  8. Tumors of the brain.

The disease does not always have a permanent form, sometimes the body reacts so to a mental trauma. In this case, the state does not last long and is normalized when the situation that has had a negative impact is resolved. In some cases, the symptomatology is manifested in response to long-term use of medications. With a depressive, catatonic and apathetic stupor, the condition can last several months or years.

Abulia in Depression

Severe life circumstances can lead to an oppressed state. Depression, abulia and apathy can go in one row. Restoration of normal vital activity occurs when solving the main problem. Therefore, in order to eliminate weakness, it is necessary to cope with the situation that led to depression. Treatment can be done with a combination of medicines and conversations with the doctor.

Abulia with neurosis

Disorders of this kind can be accompanied by a loss of ability to volitional promptings. In such circumstances, the abulia disease is of a short-term nature and is not always clearly pronounced. A person can reduce the requirements for household amenities and themselves, reduce the time of communication and any interaction with others, slow down the performance of work that previously was not of particular complexity.

Abulia in schizophrenia

Symptoms of impaired will can manifest themselves with different mental illnesses. If a patient has schizophrenia, abulia accompanies her periods of exacerbation in most cases. Patients become difficult to monitor themselves, in the absence of adequate therapy, they may lose the ability to self-service. A companion can also become hypoblust - a perversion of the will, pushing the individual to commit acts that are contrary to the generally recognized moral standards.

Abulia - treatment

The disease is really terrible, with progression lost personality, instead of it remains only the shell. If the doctor diagnosed abulia, what to do, too, he will tell, an independent choice of medicines and dosage can lead to a worsening of the condition. Also, conversations with a specialist are required to correct the condition. Often in practice, the following drugs are used.

  1. Frenolone is effective in apathy, schizophrenic disorders. Contraindicated in arrhythmias, kidney and liver problems. Possible side effects in the form of tremors, swelling and impaired coordination.
  2. Cipralex at an abulia is appointed or nominated at depressive states. Among the side effects of decreased libido , nausea, weakness, excessive sweating, sleep disturbances.
  3. Triftazine is prescribed for abulia against a background of schizophrenia, recommended in old age. Can not be used for kidney and heart problems.
  4. Solian helps to suppress symptoms. Does not lead to drowsiness, it is contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Sulpiride is prescribed for depression, it helps to remove apathy and inhibition of reactions. It is able to raise blood pressure, cause tremors, menstrual cycle failure, galactorrhea outside lactation, nausea.

Abulia - treatment with folk remedies

In the case of a diagnosis of abulia, how to get rid of it can tell not only pharmacology. The following methods are capable of rendering auxiliary impact, some of which have no official confirmation.

  1. Treatment on thermal springs.
  2. Yoga and a cold shower.
  3. Rinsing with vegetable oil, a year lying in the ground.
  4. Homeopathic preparations.
  5. Broths of ginseng, angelica, zamaniha or mountaineer bird.