Marasmus - what is it and how to treat senile senility?

Old age can be different: some old people are vigorous and productive until the last breath, others change beyond recognition. Marasmus is not infrequent pathology in the modern world, bringing a lot of suffering to a dying person and most of all to his close people.

What is insanity?

Marasmus is a pathological process of complete degradation of psychophysical processes, extinction of cognitive functions. It is accompanied by brain atrophy, irreversible changes in the tissues and organs of man. Among doctors, the disease has a common name for "dry", reflecting the ongoing process of exhaustion and wilting. The disorder begins gradually, the risk group - people aged 60 years. Marasmus is of several types:

What is senile senility?

Old senility is the final and irreversible stage of senile dementia or senile dementia. The diagnosis is made only after 60 years, the frequency of the disease is high from 10 to 35% for all cases of mental disorders. Irreversibility of mental functions in dementia complicates the course of the disease and makes it difficult to treat. Features of female senility:

Man's Marasmus:

Causes of senile senility

Marasmus among the elderly is more pronounced, when in different countries for several years there were demographic pits. The predominance of the elderly part of the population clearly demonstrates the fact that dementia is a common phenomenon requiring the development of social and health programs that would help people, when the first disturbing bells come up, start taking measures to reduce the destructive processes.

The causes of senile senility:

  1. Marasmus and Alzheimer's disease - a close relationship between the neurogenic disease discovered by Alzheimer and the appearance of marasmus was confirmed back in 1910.
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Somatic diseases (pathologies of the cardiovascular system: atherosclerosis, hypertension).
  4. Oncology.
  5. Prion proteins - foreign proteins of animal origin, coming from food can penetrate into the human nervous system and destroy it and the immune system.
  6. The use of psychotropic drugs.
  7. Pick's disease.

Stasis - symptoms and treatment

Old senility is a severe multi-organ pathology, which is the end of senile dementia . For several years the organism was subjected to destructive pathological changes, and marasmus is a deeply serious condition with pronounced symptoms. Treatment of advanced dementia does not bring results and is aimed at alleviating the patient's condition, so it is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Senile senility - symptoms

Who are such marasmists in society know most, because of the high frequency of the disorder. The disease manifests itself in all its "beauty" after 60 years. Early manifestation - worsens the prognosis and all the symptoms develop at a lightning speed, the later occurrence allows us to assume that the slowly progressing changes are prolonged in time. Signs of Marasmus:

How to treat senile senility?

Marazmatik is a person in need of maximum care, care and treatment. An important condition is the provision of the regime:

Drug therapy is mainly symptomatic and is aimed at treating the underlying disease:

  1. Neuroprotectors - nootropil, mexidol, cinnarezin.
  2. Calcium antagonists - verapamil, cerebrolysin, dilhart.
  3. Antidepressants - azafen, tryptophan, preparations based on St. John's wort.
  4. Antipsychotics - clozapine, haloperidol, dicarbine.

Old senility - what should relatives do?

A marasmatic is a person in need of careful care, care and observation. On the shoulders of the family falls a huge responsibility, which requires a high physical, moral and emotional endurance. What to do to relatives if their loved one has fallen into marasmus, recommendations: