
Disgust is a feeling of disgust for someone or something. According to researchers, this feeling is nothing but the fruit of civilization and the growth of self-consciousness. This theory is confirmed by an example from childhood. While the child is small and unreasonable, he is deprived of this feeling, drags into his mouth, everything that gets under his arm, he can easily wash his hands in the contents of his pot, but growing up starts to disdain everything that smells bad and looks. Thus, a sense of disgust and disgust is the so-called protective mechanism, formed in the process of evolution. A person on an instinctive level, before including the understanding, perceives a suspicious smell or a kind of product, as a signal of danger. And it is this unconscious disgust that protects us from many unpleasant diseases. Objects of disgust may be food, smell, bacteria, an unpleasant appearance of something, etc.

Separate conversation - disgust and sex. According to psychologists, rejection of something in bed is an attempt to escape from the partner's psychological pressure. It often happens when the partner's wishes cause an internal protest, but the person, because of his love or unwillingness to offend, carries out an unpleasant proposal for him. This aversion accumulates until it becomes a sense of disgust for the sexual partner. Another reason may be too strict upbringing. When they learn from childhood that sex is something shameful, their sexual emotions should be tempered and dealt with only at night, under the blanket and no fantasies. In principle, a grown-up, modern person understands that this is nonsense, but at a subconscious level he is afraid and avoids intimate relationships. In addition, increased disgust in sex can arise because of disgust for someone else's smell and body.

How to deal with disgust?

As it was already said, fastidiousness is a protective mechanism and does not always require correction. If its level is within the norm, you do not need to focus on this. But if a feeling of disgust arises from scratch, and you go through complete disinfection after every exit to the street, then you need to take action. So how do you get rid of the increased fastidiousness? First, it is necessary to understand the causes of this feeling. If it is embedded in you from childhood on a subconscious level, perhaps you need the help of a specialist. Secondly, try to overcome this feeling of disgust, understand why this or that object causes rejection in you, analyze why you do not transfer it. Perhaps, having understood everything in detail, you will convince yourself that there is nothing abominable in this object.

Types of fastidiousness

There are two types of disgust - physical and moral. If the physical is more and less clear, then the notion of moral fastidiousness should be considered in more detail. Its essence lies in not accepting everything that is uncultured and vulgar, it depends on moral hearing of a person. An example of moral disgust may be an argument from any classical literary work in which the hero fights against dishonor and immorality imposed on him by the system or by other people. Unfortunately, in our time the problem of moral disgust is extremely urgent. Young people prefer the classics easily digestible, cheap literature. We need to fight a primitive pseudo-culture that encourages low-quality qualities and recognize it as dangerous to society.

Thus, a person needs to get rid of the increased physical fastidiousness and educate himself in a squeamish moral.