Why does the baby in the stomach hiccup?

The news of the desired pregnancy - the beginning of joy, expectations of meeting with the baby and some anxieties. Often the experiences of mothers are unfounded. To understand what should disturb you and what does not, you need to gradually study the topics that concern pregnancy and fetal development. Let's analyze one of these questions: why the baby often hiccups in the mother's belly.

Future moms are waiting for the first movements of her child. This happens when the fetus grows up, after 18-25 weeks of pregnancy. The baby moves, rolls over, pushes pens and legs. To understand what the child's movements mean, one must pay attention to their character. If the tremors in the abdomen become even and last for a while, your baby is likely to hiccup. This can last from a few minutes to an hour, repeat at different intervals. To understand if it's worth worrying, if you notice a baby's hiccup in the abdomen, you need to find out why this is happening.


Experts have not yet come to an unambiguous conclusion about the hiccups of a child in the womb of a woman. However, there are the most popular versions that have not received a refutation:

  1. When the baby is in the abdomen of the mother, he swallows the amniotic fluid. If the child swallows the excess of this liquid, it begins to hiccup. It is believed that this is not harmful to him, rather, on the contrary. Because occurs swallowing most often when the child sucks a finger, which means that he is training for future breastfeeding.
  2. Pregnant women noticed that the hiccup in a child happens more often if you eat sweet. As a result, experts concluded: the child likes that the amniotic fluid becomes more delicious, and he specifically swallows them more.
  3. Being in the womb, the baby is already preparing for the future breathing. Some believe that one of the answers to the question: why a child in the abdomen of a pregnant woman often hiccups, is the contraction of the fetal diaphragm.
  4. The child froze. Although some admit the possibility of this cause, most experts believe that the fetus can not freeze in the womb, as the temperature is clearly regulated by the body.
  5. Lack of oxygen. This variant causes the most anxiety, since fetal hypoxia can be dangerous for its development. So, it needs to be diagnosed in time and take the necessary measures. The very hiccup of a child can not be a symptom of hypoxia. The lack of oxygen is accompanied by a number of other indicators. Precisely to diagnose can only the doctor, having spent additional inspections. Therefore, if you notice that a child hiccups often (for example, every day for an hour or more), then consult your doctor and share your experiences.

What if the baby hiccups in the abdomen?

It is said that the child himself does not suffer from hiccups (unless it is hypoxia). She after a while passes by herself. But if it makes Mom inconvenient, for example, she can not fall asleep, then you can help calm the hiccup. There are several ways for this:

Many mothers face the hiccup of a child in the abdomen and safely survive these moments, preparing for a joyful event. And some of them say that they did not even notice the longest uniform shocks. Whichever group of expectant mothers you belong to, now there is an understanding of how to recognize a baby's hiccup, where it comes from and what to do about it.