Tomato "Explosion"

Tomato "Explosion" is very much appreciated by truck farmers. Each year there are more and more fans of this sort of tomatoes. Such popularity and love the tomato "Explosion" received for its positive characteristics:

Description of tomato "Explosion"

This variety belongs to the types of early maturing tomatoes. The time from sowing seeds to the ground until the appearance of the first tomatoes is not much - just about 100 days. Agree, quite a good period, which flies quickly, especially if you pre-work on tomato seedlings. If you grow these tomatoes in a pure way, then, of course, you will get the fruits later, but then the "Explosion" will bear fruit right up to the autumn.

Also, describing tomatoes of the cultivar "Explosion", it is worth saying that they are well suited for both film greenhouses and for growing outdoors. The height of the bush is rather small - only 40-50 cm, which is compensated by its spreading.

Fans of this variety of tomatoes also noticed that bushes need to be patronized on time and moderately. This, of course, adds to its difficulties, but they are more than compensated by the fact that tomatoes "Explosion" have very high fruit tied. And this means that if you collect the ripened fruit on time, then the remaining immature tomatoes will be actively stimulated.

Soil and fertilizer

The soil for the "Explosion" is best selected light, weakly acid and well-moistened. Plants are planted according to the scheme of 50x40 cm. Watering and feeding young bushes is necessary regularly. And top dressing should be carried out not less than 4 times for all that time, that the plant is in a vegetative stage.

Fruit of tomato "Explosion"

Tomatoes on the bushes of this variety are round, reach 120 g in weight, but in experienced truck farmers the mass of fruits from the lower branches sometimes reaches 250-260 g. It all depends on the quality of care. From one bush it is quite real to receive about 3 kg of fruit.

The fresh fruits of the "Explosion", due to their dense and fleshy pulp, are stored for a very long time, and can be transported for long distances. You can eat them in any form, as fresh in salads, and canned and even baked. There is already the soul of the mistress will be pleased.