Why do the leaves fall off the dracaena?

Room Dracaena palm is a unpretentious plant. It excellently takes root in almost any home microclimate, all year round pleasing the hosts with its greenery. However, sometimes we notice that the dracaena turns yellow and leaves fall. To quickly help the plant, you need to know, because of what happens.

Why do the dracaena dry and fall off the leaves?

All causes of this phenomenon can be divided into four conditional groups:

  1. Age of the plant. Falling leaves is a natural process of their aging, which no one can prevent. But notice how the leaves of your plant fall: if Dracaena is still quite a young plant, and suddenly she began to massively discard her leaves - look for the cause in something else.
  2. Wrong care. Usually this is due to too much watering. In this case, the roots of the dracaena can rot, and then the leaves become sluggish, and then quickly fall off. If you suspected decay of roots as a result of overflow, you need to remove the plant from the pot, clean it from the ground, remove rotten roots, dry it, and then place it in a container with fresh earth.
  3. Unsuitable conditions of detention. Although dracaena is considered to be an unpretentious and hardy plant, it still does not like drafts and cold. For a long stay in a room with a temperature of less than + 15 ° C, dracen is subjected to hypothermia, which can lead first to the dropping of leaves, and then to the death of the flower.
  4. The plant is affected by a pest or fungal disease. In turn, this could be caused by high humidity of air and soil, lack of nutrients in the soil or other factors. To cure Dracaena, you need to eliminate the reason why it falls off, and if necessary, conduct symptomatic treatment with drugs. Subsequently, do not forget about the prevention of such phenomena.