Pantogam - syrup for children

Visiting a children's neurologist, mothers sometimes get a prescription for the purchase of medicinal syrup Pantogam, intended for the treatment of children. Parents are wary of any appointment of doctors. And when the nootropic drugs that affect cerebral activity are prescribed, they want to know in advance about all the features of this medication.

Who appoint Pantogam?

A list of diseases and syndromes in which the Pantogam syrup is used for children is indicated in the instructions. All of them are classified as serious neuropsychiatric disorders or are unconfirmed, but as a prophylaxis for complications, the remedy is also included in the treatment of the child. Pantogam is given in such cases:

How to give the baby syrup Pantogam?

In order for the therapy to yield the desired result, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed treatment regimen and observe the dosage of Pantogam syrup for children of a certain age. In addition to the bottle (100 ml), there is a plastic measuring spoon in the package, with which it is easy to measure the right amount of the drug.

Since Pantogam syrup is used for children under one year, they are prescribed from 5 to 10 ml of medication per day, depending on the severity of the disease. From one to three it is recommended 5-12 ml. From three to seven - 7.5-15 ml; after seven years 10-20 ml. Typically, this is the standard dosage, but in some cases it can be changed to a greater or lesser extent.

The scheme of such treatment is based on a gradual increase in the dose of the drug in the first ten days of admission. Then, within three weeks, the maximum permissible level of the drug is applied, and then, until the end of the course of treatment, it gradually decreases to a minimum. How long it takes to heal a baby syrup Pantogam, determines the doctor. As a rule, the rate is from one to three months. In exceptional situations, up to six months under constant doctor control.

When is a syrup contraindicated to a child?

This drug is well tolerated by children and rarely causes side effects. Since the syrup is used most often for the treatment of serious diseases, the risks associated with its administration are usually less than the expected positive result.

You can not appoint Pantogam only in case of congenital kidney disease, as well as acute and severe course of the disease of this vital paired organ. Rarely, individual intolerance of the drug components can be observed, and then its cancellation is required with the transition to another drug of a similar action.

Among the side effects of the drug problems with sleep (drowsiness or, conversely, - insomnia), that does not require the withdrawal of the medication. Sometimes there is a noise in the ears, which goes through a few days of admission. They cancel treatment only in cases when conjunctivitis, allergic rashes and rhinitis occur against the background of syrup.

What should I do if I overdose syrup Pantogam?

If it is a question of nursing children, then an irresponsible adult can tolerate an overdose. But with older children who have access to the medicine, sometimes there are quite dangerous situations. In this case, the child is rinsed stomach - give a lot of water, and then cause profuse vomiting. Will not hurt and cleansing enema. After all the procedures, the child should be given any adsorbent - Smektu, Atoxil. But if all these measures were in vain, the child is listless, he has difficulty breathing, he does not respond to the words of an adult, - immediate medical attention is required.