Immunomodulators for children

It is regrettable, but all children get sick - someone more often, someone less often, but nobody can avoid colds and all sorts of ailments. It's no secret that with the beginning of the visit to the kindergarten, the number of diseases grows at times. The reason for this is the stress caused by changes in the life of the baby, and the fact that it is much easier for a children's team to pick up a virus. When the number of days spent with a sick child on a sick-list starts to exceed all reasonable limits, moms are trying hard to strengthen the immunity of the child. In the fight for the health of the child in the course are various immunomodulators and immunostimulants for children - drugs that affect the defenses of the body. The mechanism of their action is somewhat different:

Whether it is worth using drugs to strengthen immunity for children is a controversial issue. Their ardent opponents ascribe to them the action destroying the child's health, they say, the organism, accustomed to their help, will not be able to overcome any sores on its own, the supporters do not see anything terrible in their application. Truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle - if the child has weak immunity, then according to the doctor's appointment, their use is justified. Independently, as however, and any other medicine, they should not be drunk. A special danger is the use of immunostimulants and immunomodulators for children suffering from autoimmune diseases. Drugs that are immunomodulators for children can be divided into the following groups:

1. Interferons are bioactive substances that have the ability to inhibit infections. The most effective in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.

2. Preparations of plant origin. Take them necessary courses for 2 months. It is best to use for prophylaxis in the season of colds and viral infections - at the end of autumn and early winter.

3. Inductors of endogenous interferons - have the ability to increase production in the body of its own interferon. Recommended for the treatment of viral diseases.

4. Preparations of bacterial origin - containing in its composition fragments of pathogens of infections (staphylococcus, pneumococcus) and having the property to significantly increase the general and local immunity. Recommended for the treatment of chronic diseases of the respiratory system and ENT organs.

5. Preparations from the thymus (thymus gland). The test of this group of drugs is not finished yet, therefore their reception is possible only under the constant supervision of the immunologist.

It must be remembered that the immune system in the child is still fragile and immature, it only develops, and one should be very careful not to harm it by unreasonable administration of immunomodulators. No matter how widely advertised the tool, no matter how miraculous the result is not promised by the manufacturer, in the issue of strengthening immunity in children, the rule "you go quietly - you will continue" will nevertheless be the most optimal solution to the problem. The best immunomodulators for children are a healthy lifestyle, hardening, walking outdoors, a balanced diet, no stress and all known folk remedies - honey, onions, garlic.