Chrissie Taygen decided to change her dress style after the birth of her second child

32-year-old American model Chrissie Teigen is now in anticipation of the birth of a second child. She and her husband John Legenda will soon have a son. In this regard, Chrissy decided to write a few posts on her Twitter page, which she dedicated to her wardrobe and pregnancy.

Krissy Tagen

Thaygen decided to donate her clothes to young models

Many women believe that motherhood is obliged to change, not only in matters of behavior and responsibility, but also in terms of appearance. This was decided to talk 32-year-old Chrissy, writing on his page in the social network post here is such content:

"Now I look at my wardrobe and I understand that I can not wear much more of this clothes. Perhaps the fault of all the changes in consciousness that occur during pregnancy, or maybe I just grew out of this dress. I believe that similar dresses, blouses and jeans should be worn by young models that were hit by 20 or slightly more, but not by a woman who is over 30. All my clothes from the Vetements brand I want to give to my colleagues: Sisters Hadid, Kendall Jenner, Hayley Baldwin and many others. Girls, come and take! Now that I'm writing these lines, I feel like I'm some kind of old woman who's going to retire. Perhaps this is true, but I want to behave this way. I think that mothers of two children are better off moving to another "pasture" and look more solid than in bright sweatshirts with a defiant print. "
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Tagen told about her health during pregnancy

After that, the famous model decided to tell about her pregnancy, because the first, as it turned out, was much easier than the present one. That's what the famous model said:

"When I became pregnant a second time, I could not imagine that my son's bearing would be given me with such difficulty. From the very first month I feel unwell, and mild ailments continue to this day. To be honest, I'm very glad that our boy will soon be born and I will not have to wear it in my huge stomach.

With our baby, the moon was completely different. The whole pregnancy, I felt fine and could not complain of a bad state of health. True, quite recently the question arose about how our Moon refers to the replenishment in the family and the answer to our daughter shocked us a little. She said that she does not want a brother, because she will have to give him her toys. Perhaps when she sees our son, her attitude toward the baby will change, but we could not imagine that the Moon is growing so selfish. "

Chrissie Teigen with her daughter Luna