Nepentes - home care

Nepentes is a predatory plant native to the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans, where the humid warm climate prevails. Also, certain types of non-pence are found in Northern Australia.

Most often, non-pentees belong to the lianas. The height of the plant in nature reaches several meters, but there are also low shrub species. The stems are thin grassy or lignified. The leaves of the non-pentes are of two types: one large elongated with a pronounced median vein, others - round, like the leaves of a water lily. In the water-lily leaves close to the stem part of the petiole passes into a peculiar mustache, and at the end of this mustache there is a jug, resembling a large flower. He is the organ that lures and destroys insects and small animals. These jugs are of different colors: red, white, mottled. The fruit is a box, inside it is divided into separate chambers, in which the seeds are found.

Nepenthes care

Since the plant is exotic, there is a natural question, how to care for nepentes? To ensure a comfortable stay, it is better to keep Nepentes in the eastern part of the room, avoiding direct sunlight. The recommended indoor temperature is at least 15 ° C in winter and at least 20 ° in summer. Since the plant in nature grows in marshy places, the soil must be moist. Nepentes is very demanding on water quality, therefore it is better to use rainwater or demineralized water for irrigation. 2 times a month, non-pentes need immersion in water so that it absorbs moisture in full. After water procedures, the plant should be left in the bathroom - excess liquid must drain. The flower needs humid air, therefore it is necessary to install a special humidifier. Top dressing is done 2 times a month with fertilizer for orchids (preferably a liquid form). You can also use bird droppings as a feed. Transplant non-pentes annually.

Reproduction of the non-pence

Reproduction of the non-pence is carried out by cuttings or shoots. To do this, the stalk (shoot) is placed in a vessel with water, from above it is covered by a glass jar. In such a peculiar greenhouse should be a temperature of at least 25 °. It is almost impossible to grow non-pentes from the seeds of the house.

Pests of the unbidden

Nepenthes is very rarely exposed to pests. If the plant is weakened or excessively dry air, then aphids and mealybugs may start. They are eliminated with cotton wool soaked in soapy water.

Nepentes is a beautiful flytrap. The insect, tempted by a pleasant aroma, gets into the jug, but can not get out because the enzyme contained in the flower digests the fly.