Candles with glycerin

Rectal suppositories with glycerin are one of the most popular means of constipation from this category due to its simple composition and rapid effect.

Glycerin is a representative of triatomic alcohols, which has no color and has a viscous consistency. It is easily mixed with water, and is therefore widely used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

For the first time it was received by the Swedish chemist Scheele in 1779 when saponifying fats. Because of this nature of origin, glycerin really has a fatty basis and is therefore often used for moisturizing, relieving irritation and softening the stool.

Use of suppositories with glycerin - indications

The use of suppositories with glycerin is indicated for hemorrhoids and frequent constipation.

When hemorrhoids glycerol helps to remove irritation and ease the stool due to its astringent consistency, but during the exacerbation it is better to use other medicines. Glycerin dulls pain and accelerates elimination of the cause of hemorrhoids - constipation. On fecal masses, glycerin acts softening.

This remedy is used to normalize the stool in cases where there is constipation for up to 2-3 days. With prolonged constipation, doctors recommend using a laxative or enema - in their opinion, these are more effective, but at the same time, radical measures.

If you constantly use laxative, then it can cause dependence on the drug, and therefore use it for minor violations of the stool regimen is not necessary. Another method - an enema - also effectively removes constipation, and does not cause addiction, but it destroys beneficial bacteria, disrupting the intestinal microflora.

Thus, suppositories with glycerin suppositories with glycerin for hemorrhoids and constipation are one of the simplest means with a minimum of side effects.

How do candles work with glycerin?

The action of candles from constipation with glycerin is simple: when injected into the rectum, the candle exerts two effects. First of all, it irritates the walls of the rectum, which is effective in atony - a decrease in muscle tone, and thus contributes to defecation. But with constipation with the help of reflex stimulation, it is not always possible to achieve emptying due to solidification of fecal matter, and therefore there is a need for the second effect provided by glycerin suppositories - softening of stool.

Laxative suppositories with glycerol are often prescribed to pregnant women, since this substance is not toxic and does not affect the fetus in a negative way (glycerin is not absorbed into the blood), as well as to people suffering from constipation due to a sedentary lifestyle. In other cases, the treatment of constipation does not consist in eliminating the symptoms (which candles do), but first of all, it is aimed at eliminating the causes: for example, sedative preparations are prescribed because of nervous overstrain, in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, a regimen for improving digestion and etc.

Method of using suppositories with glycerol

Candles with glycerin are used symptomatically, if necessary. After eating, after 20 minutes (preferably after breakfast), the candle is injected into the rectum. If this agent caused a side effect - pain, excessive irritation, then this process should be neutralized with the help of microclysters with oil (olive, sunflower).

These candles can be used without the advice of a doctor only if urgently needed.

The time of action of candles with glycerin

The action of suppositories with glycerin occurs immediately after the administration of the drug - the shell dissolves, and glycerin begins to soften the stool masses. The urge to go to the toilet comes an average of 30 minutes after using the candle. Regularly, for a long time to use this method is not recommended.