Chronic fibrous pulpitis

Improper or inadequate treatment of oral diseases, or its complete absence, can lead to the development of a pathology such as chronic fibrous pulpitis. The disease is not very pronounced symptoms - a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the area of ​​the damaged tooth, rare attacks of short-term pain in contact with cold or hot substances, chewing solid food. Because of this, patients turn to the dentist only during periods of relapse or on the advanced stages of pathology.

Symptoms of exacerbation of chronic fibrous pulpitis

When the disease in question is progressing and its recurrence sets in, the following symptoms are observed:

Differential diagnosis of chronic fibrous pulpitis

The above symptoms may resemble other diseases of the oral cavity, so to confirm the diagnosis, the dentist conducts not only a special examination, but also the following studies:

Treatment of chronic fibrous pulpitis

Therapy of this pathology is carried out exclusively surgically, which involves the removal of pulp (amputation or extirpation).

Operative intervention can be performed by devital and vital methods. Preference is given to the latter because of their less traumatism. In addition, the vital version of surgical treatment allows you to restore the crown part of the tooth in just 2 visits to the dentist.