Why does the skin crack on the heels?

The appearance of cracks in the feet is not only an unpleasant cosmetic defect, but also a signal of serious health problems. It is important to pay attention in time to the condition of the skin of the heels, in order to begin the appropriate treatment and take the course of the required therapy.

Why does the skin crack on the heels?

A frequently encountered factor that causes this situation is incorrect hygienic care. On the feet is the strongest load during walking, which provokes a constant mechanical friction of the heels with the sole of the shoe. Naturally, this leads to thickening of the horny epidermal layer of the skin. If it is not removed using pumice or a special brush, small lesions inevitably appear.

Another reason why the skin cracks on the heels is a tight and uncomfortable shoe, especially for summer sandals and shoes. The loose fit of the sole from behind causes its periodic impacts on the foot (spanking). In combination with microscopic scratches, such a mechanical action leads to cracking of the skin.

If you choose high-quality shoes, properly take care of the feet, but still suffer from the described problem, you need to pay attention to the state of the body.

Why does the skin break on the heels?

A fairly common syndrome in women is a change in the functioning of the endocrine system and, as a consequence, a violation of the hormonal background. At the same time, very dry skin is observed on the heels due to deterioration of blood circulation in the tissues and insufficient moisture in the cells.

Usually, this defect occurs after 40 years as one of the primary signs of the onset of the pre-climacteric period and insufficient intake of vitamins A and E into the body. In the future, the skin loses elasticity and elasticity, on the feet are formed calluses , because of what they sometimes even deformed.

Peeling skin on the heels

The disease, which leads to the appearance of flaky scales on the skin of the heels - the foot fungus . It is characterized by concomitant symptomatology:

If the timely therapy is not started at the first clinical manifestations of the disease, the mycosis will spread quickly and the treatment will take a much longer period.