Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women

Inflammation of the urinary bladder in women is much more common than in men due to the anatomical features of the genitourinary system. In women, the urethra is much shorter, so it is easier for bacteria to get into the bladder. In addition, during periods, during pregnancy and after childbirth, the body creates favorable conditions for the development of infections. Cystitis, so scientifically called disease, can develop at any age.

Causes and symptoms of inflammation of the bladder

Development of the disease is facilitated by:

Acute inflammation of the bladder

The acute form of the disease, as a rule, occurs suddenly with symptoms that increase during the first few hours. Usually a woman begins to worry about frequent urination, accompanied by pain and burning. The intervals between urges can be shortened from 5 to 15 minutes and do not stop even at night. An attempt to suppress the urge to urinate may result in incontinence. In some patients, voiding is difficult.

Chronic inflammation of the bladder

Chronic cystitis develops not so much because of the penetration of the bladder infection, but for dystrophic changes in the tissues. Symptoms of chronic inflammation of the bladder are the same as in the acute form of the disease, but less pronounced. The nature of the course of the disease can be dramatically different depending on the severity of the symptoms. In some patients, the disease proceeds wavy: with periods of exacerbation, which are very similar to acute or subacute inflammation of the bladder, and various periodicity of improvement. In other patients, a rather monotonous picture of clinical and laboratory data is observed.

How to cure inflammation of the bladder?

Before treating inflammation of the bladder with medicinal products, it is necessary to sanitize the foci of infection and eliminate the causes of recurrence in chronic form. Drug treatment includes the selection of funds to eliminate spasmolytic and pain symptoms. Many patients experience a deterioration in the clinical picture after sex, so during the treatment of bladder inflammation, you should completely abandon sexual activity.

Patients with inflammation of the bladder are selected effective antibiotics, which provide correct anti-inflammatory therapy and eliminate the causative agents of infection. In acute cystitis, a monural is often prescribed; in the chronic form of the disease, antibiotics of the fluorophinolone group are effective: norfloxacin, ofloxacin, or ciprofloxacin. Also recommended are funds that are aimed at increasing the body's defenses and raising immunity.

The correct diet can significantly speed up the healing process. The food we eat has a direct effect on the mucosa of the bladder, so when inflammation diet should be aimed at washing the urinary tract and removing the causative agent of the infection.

Diet for inflammation of the bladder should include a plentiful drink of at least 2 liters per day. It can be fruit drinks, juices (all except tomato), compotes (especially useful from cranberries and cranberries), chloride-calcium mineral water, weak tea without sugar. Useful for inflammation of the bladder and medicinal herbs, from which you can make infusions. With a strong inflammation mint helps: 20 g of herb pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, insist and drink 3 times a day for 1 glass. The most useful foods include fruits and vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, zucchini), sour-milk products that favorably influence the microflora, meat and fish of low-fat varieties.