Classification of emotions

In science, attempts have repeatedly been made to create a classification of emotions, but to date, most experts consider the most complete classification of Isard's list. It's about it that we'll talk.

Classification of Izard's emotions in psychology

The classifications of emotions and feelings, of course, are rather conventional, therefore in the scientific world there is still a debate about whether something can be added to them or changed. Izard singled out fundamental and derivative emotions, the former are considered basic. Classification of fundamental emotions and their functions is as follows, it has 9 emotional states of a person, namely, interest, joy, surprise, suffering, anger, disgust, contempt, fear and shame. All these emotions are necessary for the person, as they are original signals that inform us about what the situation is for us, positive or negative. For example, if a person is disgusted, he actually receives a signal that a certain situation for him is dangerous or fatal, not necessarily physically, perhaps the situation destroys him morally, and this is no less, and sometimes more important.

Classification of feelings

In addition to classifying emotions in psychology, there is also the qualification of feelings. It includes three main groups of feelings, moral or moral, intellectual and aesthetic. The first group includes all the feelings that a person experiences when comparing real events with those values ​​that were raised and taught to us by society. Let's say that if a person sees that someone is littering in the street, depending on the concepts he has inculcated in childhood, he can feel shame, outrage, anger.

The second group of feelings is a kind of experience associated with the process of human cognitive activity. For example, a person may be interested or irritated when studying a subject. These feelings can both help a person in the learning process, and prevent him in this process, it is scientifically proven that a person who is interested in the subject under study much more quickly remembers information, his productivity of thinking increases. That is why literate teachers always try to instill in children love for their subject and cause them interest.

The third group of feelings represents the person's emotional attitude to all that beautiful that he can see. In this case, a person can experience inspiration or ecstasy.