How to become happy and successful?

Why does it seem to us that happiness is not attainable? Because happiness can only be achieved by "fixing" your brains, and this, it turns out, is much more difficult than to exhaust yourself with diets or to attach yourself "new" forms with the help of silicone and botox.

Today, we will talk about how to become happy and successful and begin the process with a loved one.

Stages of achievement of the goal

  1. Sound and express a desire.
  2. Learn what it takes to become happy.
  3. Start the process.

Affirmations or chant ode to yourself

Wait for others to shower compliments on your beauty, elegance, subtlety of the soul? You will not wait, because you should start singing ode to yourself. Psychology gives a simple answer to the question of how to become happy: believe in your happiness, value yourself and tell yourself that you are unique, unique, unsurpassed, such as you are no more, and will not be in the world. Speak to yourself such words as often as possible.

Care is not for the sake of others, but for the sake of one's own pleasure

Women often mislead themselves, thinking that in the process, how to become the happiest, the main thing is to get a positive assessment of others. This is a big mistake. The ordinary (unhappy) woman sits on diets, paints and remodels herself to the tastes of others. A happy woman does it herself for pleasure and never screams about her beauty procedures.

Leave the time for a loved one

How often can one hear from women of age that they have devoted their whole lives to children, parents, husband, etc., and in the end have not been thanked. Unhappy, they lived someone else's life. Always, under any circumstances, leave time for your favorite things, hobbies and hobbies. Your family from this will only appreciate and respect you as a full-fledged person, not a servant.

Repeat yourself as often as possible, that you love yourself, your body and soul, that you love life and enjoy it. Then the happiness really will appear by the wave of a magic wand, your wand.