Early life on dawn

The woman calls the scant excretory, which can occur at different times of the menstrual cycle. For many, this is an occasion to turn to a gynecologist. This is the right decision, since such a phenomenon can become a sign of a disease. Particularly disturbing is daub during pregnancy. In this crucial period, any incomprehensible symptom scares the future mother.

The reasons for the smear at the beginning of pregnancy

Sometimes such discharges are innocuous and have physiological causes:

In such cases, there can be no complications, and treatment is not required.

However, spotting can be a symptom of pathologies that require immediate medical attention.

The physicians successfully treat the detachment of the fetal egg , but only with the timely medical intervention. Usually the doctor prescribes progesterone preparations and some other medicines, vitamins. Also recommend a longer rest, give up physical activity, sex. A favorable outcome is possible only if the first alarm signals go to the hospital.

Sometimes the embryo in the uterus stops developing. Then they talk about a frozen pregnancy. To serve as an excuse for her can take toxic drugs, severe chromosomal abnormalities, diseases that the mother transferred at the beginning of the term. They put such a diagnosis on ultrasound. A woman may be troubled by abdominal pain, often having bloody or brownish discharge. If the doctor has established that there is no palpitation of the fetus, and its dimensions do not correspond to the term gestation, the patient will be scraped, the cause of the event is determined, and treatment is prescribed.

Early dawn can also be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy, that is, when a fetal egg is attached outside the uterus. With this pathology, urgent hospitalization is necessary.

If the pregnant woman has noticed spotting in her blood, then immediately consult a doctor. He will conduct a survey and give appropriate recommendations, if necessary, prescribe a treatment.