Collar for fleas and mites for dogs

When parasites settle on a pet, it gives a lot of trouble to him and the owner. There are several methods to combat them, from tablets to shampoos. Especially deserve attention collars of fleas and ticks for dogs. This remedy is soon prophylactic, but, as you know, it is better to prevent than treat.

How do collars work against fleas for dogs?

Anti- collar collar is a tape made of special material, impregnated with a harmful substance for parasites. That the collar began to work, you just need to put it on the animal, and under the influence of body temperature the tape will heat up, the poison will start to stand out on the coat and skin.

It will take a couple of days, after which the animal will be fully protected, since the poison will be released in an amount sufficient to kill bloodsuckers.

The active substance penetrates into the sebaceous glands, spreading over the entire surface of the animal's body. It is impossible to wash the poison with water, it remains in the right concentration, is not afraid of temperature changes and protects the dog all the time while she wears the collar. It is important not to shoot it even at night.

Of the disadvantages of the collar against fleas and ticks for dogs - insects that hit the dog, die only after bite. Hence, the risk of transmission of dangerous diseases remains. To prevent bite, collar manufacturers began adding a repellent to the poison, which scares off insects with its odor and thus reduces the likelihood of bite.

In order to preserve the action of repellent, it is necessary to change the collar about a month later, because the odor is weakened, and the fleas again bite the dog, transferring with their saliva helminth eggs, viruses, bacteria and other unpleasant diseases.

There are collars that last several months without changing, but they are saturated with heavy poisons, which cause negative consequences for dogs: allergies, lacrimation, increased salivation, itching, sneezing, increased excitement and so on. Such collars are not suitable for elderly dogs, puppies and pregnant / nursing bitches.

How to choose a collar from fleas to a pregnant dog?

If your dog is waiting for the offspring or is nursing, then wearing an insecticocaricidal collar is contraindicated. In these cases, collars are used on the basis of essential oils and extracts from various plants. By the way, such collars can be worn on puppies, as well as on weakened and aging animals.

Of course, we do not expect high-quality and long-lasting protection in this case, because the action of oils and extracts is not so strong, and they disappear more quickly. However, there is probably no other way out, since neither tablets nor drops in these states are allowed.

Effective collars from fleas for dogs

If we consider specific manufacturers, then such brands as "Foresto" and "Kiltix" proved to be quite good.

Manufacturers of collars of the firm "Foresto" claim that a dog that has been bought and put on once is enough to keep the dog healthy for 8 months. The action of venom on fleas begins instantly, on ticks - after 48 hours.

If the animal first encountered wearing a collar, it is necessary to observe the first time for it: do not allow the dog to remove it from himself, and also monitor possible allergy manifestations.

Collars of the firm "Kiltix" also provide long-term protection of the dog against fleas and ticks. They "work" the entire season - from April to October, without requiring a change. The effect of the poisonous substance occurs before the bite, which completely eliminates the risk of contracting dangerous diseases.