Dutch technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter

Scientists tend to delve into the processes of growing crops, because today the chemical industry works closely with the agrosphere. Most likely, the simple gardener concept itself "growing cucumbers by Dutch technology" will be associated with horse doses of fertilizers and all harmful additives. Not for nothing because in winter you can get such a plentiful harvest. Fortunately, the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter is really connected with the system by applying fertilizers, but not by their quantity.

What are the conditions for growing cucumbers in winter?

To begin with, for the success of the whole event, we select cucumbers for growing in the winter, shade-tolerant, specially bred hothouse varieties. But this is only half the matter, the whole point is in the dosages and the sequence of supplementation.

The Dutch technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter does not imply excessive fertilization, as this will lead to soil salinity. Here, the correlation and consistency, as well as the competent choice of soil, are important:

  1. To grow, you need extremely loose soil, as well as a qualitatively prepared drainage. It is important that the soil is full of nutrients. In autumn, at the very end, about a half of a ton of manure is brought into the area. A larger amount will lead to salinization of the soil, application in the spring can burn the roots of plants.
  2. Important in the Dutch technology of growing cucumbers in the greenhouse in winter is the choice of place. It is not recommended after the harvest to lay beds in the same place and for the next season. Only after four years it is allowed to reuse it. Otherwise, you will encounter the problem of black rot of plant roots.
  3. Cultivation of cucumbers according to Dutch technology involves the introduction of all nutrients only by the drop method. During the whole vegetation period it is necessary to feed the planting with nitrogen. In the soil itself we add 800 gr, then 500 gr by the method of drip irrigation. In the ground, we add the additive in the spring, the rest after harvesting the first crop every two weeks.
  4. According to the technology of growing cucumbers in a greenhouse in winter, before planting, 2.5 kg of phosphorus should be added to the soil.
  5. Potassium is applied on a kilogram before planting and then after fruiting. It is important that the fertilizer does not have chlorine, which adversely affects cucumbers.
  6. Do not forget to make and magnesium in the amount of a pound. This will not allow the foliage to turn yellow and hurt.