Colpitis in pregnancy - treatment

Colpitis in pregnant women is a fairly common disease that is associated with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa of the cervix and vagina. This condition is accompanied by swelling and abundant purulent or white, unpleasantly smelling, secretions. Colpitis during pregnancy can occur in both chronic and acute forms.

Acute inflammation is characterized by burning and pain in the external genitalia, discharge (quite abundant), pain in the small pelvis. Irritation can go to the inner thighs and to the buttocks, and in neglected cases it can affect the appendages, cervix and uterus.

In a chronic process, the symptoms of the disease are not as pronounced or may not manifest at all. This flow of colpitis is considered more dangerous for a pregnant woman.

How does colpitis affect pregnancy?

The danger is not the disease itself, but its consequences.

Infection can rise up the urethra and provoke the development of cystitis or pyelonephritis. Another danger is the inflammation of the birth canal, which can cause infectious diseases in a newly born child and adversely affect the condition of a woman after childbirth. In addition, untreated colpitis can be the cause of infection of the fetus or miscarriage, as well as various complications of pregnancy ( preterm labor , polyhydramnios).

In the future, a woman may face the problem of conception. The triggered colpitis can cause the development of endometritis.

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy

The main methods in the treatment of colpitis in pregnant women are:

The main difficulty in treating colpitis during pregnancy is that many antibiotics are contraindicated in pregnant women, for example, Klyndacin, Nolitsin, Dalatsin and others.

Antibiotic is selected taking into account the period of pregnancy. So, until the third month of pregnancy, Betadin or Terzhinan is prescribed, and from the fourth month you can prescribe Metronidazole (with trichomoniasis colpitis).

But in any case, no matter what antibiotic was chosen, first, the sensitivity of microorganisms that caused inflammation is established.

Medication of colpitis during pregnancy is usually supplemented with sedentary baths and syringing using herbal decoctions.

In order to remove irritation and inflammation of the mucosa, suppositories, ointments can also be prescribed.

During the colpita therapy, a woman should give up sexual intercourse.

Diet for this disease involves the exclusion from the menu of acute, acidic and salty foods, sweets.