Ultrasound for pregnancy

Ultrasound is the most accurate method for confirming pregnancy. However, it is advisable to carry it out not earlier than 3 weeks after the probable conception. Depending on the technique, the study may be transabdominal or transvaginal. The most reliable in pregnancy is transvaginal ultrasound.

Ultrasound to determine pregnancy should be done with caution, without abusing it, as this can lead to the termination of pregnancy. In addition to the diagnosis of pregnancy as such, ultrasound answers a number of questions related to the "interesting situation". For example, is pregnancy uterine. If a fetal egg was implanted not in the uterus, but earlier - in the fallopian tube, pregnancy is called an ectopic, and such a state is extremely dangerous for the health and even the life of a woman.

Early ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy

With the help of the study, it is possible to determine the duration of pregnancy - with an accuracy of 2-3 days. Determination of the period of pregnancy by ultrasound is made by measuring the coccygeal-parietal size of the embryo. This becomes possible with the 6th week of pregnancy. At earlier terms, the measurements of the fetal sac are made to determine the period of pregnancy by ultrasound.

In the early stages with the help of ultrasound it is already possible to determine the number of fruits. At the 5th week, it is easy to identify multiple pregnancies.

With the help of ultrasound, early on, you can exclude the so-called "false pregnancy" - volumetric education in the small pelvis, ovarian cysts, uterine fibroids.

When carrying out ultrasound, you can confirm the viability of the embryo. The embryo's heart begins to contract in 3 weeks and 4 days from the moment of conception. This is clearly visible on the monitor. In addition, it is possible to eliminate the pathology of early pregnancy (bladder skidding) and threatening abortion. This is especially true, if there are spotting. It is important to exclude detachment of the placenta, and if detachment is present, ultrasound is used to monitor the dynamics of the fetus and determine the degree of detachment.

Ultrasound makes its huge contribution to determining the location of the chorion - the future placenta. This allows to exclude such a condition as placenta previa and other disorders, for example, in utero retardation of fetal development, Rh-incompatibility and diabetes.

With regard to determining the sex of the child with ultrasound, it is possible only at 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.