Can I give chips to pregnant women?

Many future mothers, who have heard about various kinds of prohibitions during the bearing of an infant, often wonder whether pregnant products have a product such as chips. Let's try to answer it, considering in more detail the composition of this product and the features of its manufacture.

Can I eat chips during pregnancy?

When answering this question, doctors who are monitoring the course of pregnancy are advised to refrain from using them during gestation. In doing so, they state the following reasons.

First, in the composition of any chips there is a component such as a preservative and aromatic (flavoring) additives. Such substances can have a detrimental effect not only on the fetus, but also disrupt the metabolism in the body of the future mother.

Secondly, during the preparation of chips, when roasting, the starch contained in the potato, undergoing heat treatment, releases a substance such as acrylamide, which can adversely affect the development of the baby.

So, according to studies conducted by one of the British universities, women who often used crisps during the carrying of the baby, eventually gave birth to children with body weight below the norm. In this case, the dimensions of the body also changed accordingly. So, for example, the head volume was on average 0.3 cm less. The body weight of the infants themselves was on the average less than the norm by 15 g. The figures seem to be insignificant, but the fact remains.

If you really want - can you?

Speaking about whether it is possible to eat chips, crunches during pregnancy, first of all it is necessary to say that everything depends on the volume of the portion.

So, if the future mother has a great desire, then you can once pamper yourself with this delicacy and afford such a weakness. However, it is worth remembering that the mass of such a eaten product should not exceed 50-60 grams. If the pregnant woman is not sure that she will be able to refrain from consuming more, it is better not to eat them at all.

You should always remember that you can cook chips at home - it's safe and useful.

It is also worth noting that you can not often pamper yourself with this product during pregnancy. You can consume them not more than once a month and in the amount specified above.

Thus, it is necessary to say that in order to understand whether it is possible for pregnant women to eat crisps, chips, and if it does not harm their health, the expectant mother should ask a doctor watching it about pregnancy and follow the advice and recommendations given to them.