Tea for colds

Tea from cold is one of the most ancient remedies that remains popular to this day. You in fact too, having felt the first signs of the disease, hurry up to prepare a simple medicinal drink and get drunk to them until the very cure.

Names of teas from colds sold in a pharmacy

In recent years, pharmacy drinks have become just crazy popular. Many habitually call them teas. And they make a serious mistake. From tea in these funds only consistency. If you read into the composition, you can find many components that turn them into the most real medications.

Among the so-called cold teas sold in the pharmacy, the most effective are:

These drinks are phenomenal. On the legs is able to put even one packet of medicine. The main thing to drink it when the disease has just begun to manifest itself.

Still, it is better to give natural teas.

Homemade tea for colds

Recipe number 1 - ginger green tea for colds

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Ginger finely chopped. Weld with pre-boiling water. Add the spine and let the drink brew for a quarter of an hour. Before consumption in tea, you can add a stick of cinnamon, cloves, honey or cardamom.

Recipe number 2 - how to make tea with raspberries for colds

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Water boil. All the ingredients are mixed in a single vessel and pour with boiling water. To insist on such a drug is a quarter of an hour. To drink it is better with honey before a dream.

Recipe # 3 - tea with dry althea and honey for colds

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

Dry mixture should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for about twenty minutes. After - add honey to the tea. Drink it should be three times a day at least one hundred grams.

Recipe number 4 - healing herbal tea for colds

Necessary ingredients:

Preparation and use

The handy ingredient is gently crushed. Water boil and pour it with a dry mixture. To insist on a drink is a quarter of an hour. Sometimes mint, melissa or thyme is added to the main ingredients.