Ectopic pregnancy - causes

In each case, the causes of an ectopic pregnancy may be different. However, women who have experienced this complication want to know why it sometimes happens that pregnancy begins to develop outside the uterus, and how to prevent a recurrence of the situation if the woman again decides to be pregnant. That is why the question of what causes ectopic pregnancy, is relevant for many.

Ectopic - inflammation, infection and surgery

The most common cause of ectopic pregnancy may be the presence of adhesions in the tubes and abdominal cavity. Lead to their formation may be the presence of a chronic inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes or in the immediate vicinity of them. The causes of the inflammatory process may be reduced local immunity, persistent hypothermia, inattention to their health and hygiene. In addition, quite often chronic inflammation causes not cured and passed into a chronic form of sexual infections. Serving the onset of inflammation can be surgical intervention, for example, laparoscopy or cavitary surgery. Also, the reasons why an ectopic pregnancy occurs can be chronic inflammation of the bladder or urethra, endometriosis and other diseases.

It is because of this that a woman needs to be very careful about her health and regularly undergo gynecological examinations, take tests and, if necessary, undergo treatment. This will significantly reduce the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

Physiological causes of ectopic

Another reason why there is ectopic pregnancy, may be a feature of the physiological structure. Long, sinuous tubes, or vice versa, short and underdeveloped tubes prevent the passage of a fertilized egg, as a result of which, several days after fertilization, it is attached not to the uterine cavity, but to the tube itself. Ovarian cysts, as well as tumor formations, including benign, in other pelvic organs can impede this process.

Other causes of ectopic pregnancy

Among other reasons why there is an ectopic pregnancy, endocrine disorders can be identified. Sometimes the hormonal background helps narrow the lumen of the tube, and hence the change in its peristalsis. Among the reasons that lead to this, there may be a prolonged use of hormonal means, protection with the help of a spiral, as well as stimulation of ovulation and so on. That's why all serious drugs that affect the hormonal system, it is necessary to take under the supervision of a doctor.

Sometimes you can not find out why an ectopic pregnancy occurs. However, even if a woman feels healthy and has an ectopic pregnancy, the treatment and rehabilitation process can not be postponed until later. Similar abortion, surgery and psychological stress should not be ignored. A woman should undergo a complete examination and treatment with a doctor, this will provide an opportunity to understand what causes of an ectopic pregnancy led to a similar outcome, and also get a prognosis for conceiving and bearing a child.

Find out why ectopic pregnancy is possible by conducting a comprehensive diagnosis. Inspection of doctors, tests, finding out the patency of pipes and even laparoscopy - an attentive attitude to this issue will give you answers to many questions and help to preserve women's health for many years.