Conspiracy from the bony udder

Bovine udder is a disease during which suppuration of the sweat glands occurs. For today, treatment involves surgical intervention. Before deciding on such a step, you can use the recipes of folk medicine and magic to get rid of the bony udder. Various rituals a few years ago were the only way to cure this disease.

Conspiracy from the bony udder

To get rid of abscesses, it is recommended to clean several bulbs, fry on fat and mix with shredded soap. The resulting mixture should be put to the affected area. Then read the Lord's Prayer three times.

To remove the damage to the appearance of the bony udder, you can perform such a ritual. It is necessary to take a piece of fresh raw meat, and leading them in a circle, in problem areas, say these words:

"Go back to that cattle whose name you wear, And slave of God (name) for ever. Amen".

Thus, the disease must go to this piece of meat, which should be given to the dog. At night, it is recommended to attach ichthyol ointment to problem areas.

Effective plot from the bony udder

To conduct the ritual is necessary on the waning moon. From three to five in the morning you need to get water. For the ritual, take a small twig with a bough. Around the problematic place, three times around the bitch, saying these words:

"As a bough this is dry, so the abscess has gone out!"

After that, put the branch on the table, but it should not have tablecloths. It is necessary to spend three times round a bitch with an anonymous finger and say:

"As this bitch on the tree is withered, so I, the slave of God (name), the abscess has died! May it be so!"

After that, prepare the water, say three times:

"On a steep hill stands a young oak! Jesus Christ stands under the oak and looks at the oak tree. As the leaf falls from the oak tree, so Jesus Christ at the servant of God (name) cleanses the blood of pus and all stagnation! Amen!"

It is worth to bathe after the bath with the water.

Another way left from the ancestors - smear the affected area with sour cream and let the dog (bitch) lick. Conduct such manipulations for 12 days on the growing moon. Remember that rituals will work only if you believe in magical power. It is not recommended not to tell anyone about the conduct of rituals.