Good Friday - signs, customs, conspiracies

Good Friday is the most sad day for believers, because it was at this time that Christ was crucified. This is also the last day of strict Lent. There are different signs, customs and conspiracies associated with Good Friday. They originated in ancient times, and many people observe them up to now.

What can not be done in the Holy Week on Friday?

On this day it is forbidden to perform any work in the house, otherwise it is believed that a person commits a serious sin. On this day it is customary to fast and pray in the name of Christ. Prohibited on this day is considered working with the land, for example, planting various plants. If you do not take into account this taboo, then the crop may not be. On Good Friday, it is necessary to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, as well as from carnal pleasures. Since ancient times it is believed that if a person drank on this day, then he can become an alcoholic. If this day to conceive a child, then he can be born sick and life will be unsweetened. In order not to lose health, it is worth to give up various cosmetic procedures. It is not recommended to celebrate and birthday and best of all to transfer it.

Signs and superstitions on Good Friday

There are different signs that have to do with this day:

  1. You can not spit on this day, because all the saints can turn their backs on a person.
  2. It is believed that the cakes cooked on this day, will never dry out. One piece should be put for the icon as an amulet, and another piece is stored and eaten during illness.
  3. If you do not eat or drink during the day, the person will know about his death in three days.
  4. On this day, it is worth taking ash from the oven, because it is believed that it helps get rid of alcoholism, evil eye and depression .

Rituals and conspiracies on Good Friday

There are rituals that allow you to cope with various problems. There is a conspiracy that helps to improve relations in the family and strengthen ties. To do this, when baking cakes, it is worth making a small bun of dough. When it is ready, eat half of it, and put the second part for the icon, saying these words:

"Lord, save, save, defend. Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

Leave this piece of baking behind the icon for a whole year.

There is a ritual and conspiracy on Good Friday, which will get rid of stress and depression. Many people daily suffer from nervous tension, which can lead to different problems of a physical and psychological nature. Take three colored eggs and put them in a container of water, and then, read this conspiracy:

"Strengthen my faithful words, Lord, Strengthen, Christ, servant of God (name). As people rejoice in the bright Easter, So the servant of God (name) let life be glad. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After this, the water must be washed with water.