Types of anemia

Anemia can act as an independent disease, and as a concomitant symptom in a number of ailments. From the Greek language, the word "anemia" is translated as anemia. There are a number of common signs of anemia, for example, weakness, dizziness, pale skin, arrhythmia, dyspnea, and others.

Types of anemia in adults

The composition of the blood is complicated, and red blood cells are one of its important components. The basis of erythrocytes is hemoglobin, which "makes" the blood red and fills it with oxygen, which is very important for the whole organism.

There are several types of anemia in an adult.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Characterized by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin due to lack of iron. There are such types of iron deficiency anemia as hypochromic and microcytic. The indicator of blood color is low, with the nails breaking and breaking, the hair falling out.

Hemolytic anemia

When the cells of erythrocytes are destroyed faster than they manage to produce bone marrow.

Sickle cell anemia

It is caused by genetic disorders. Cells of erythrocytes, having a biconvex round shape, with this type of anemia take a crescent shape, which greatly complicates their rapid progress along the bloodstream. Because of this, the body cells lack oxygen.

Pernicious anemia

When there is a lack of folic acid and vitamin B12 due to diseases of the digestive tract.

Aplastic anemia

When bone tissue produces few red blood cells. It arises because of the effects of various radiations, toxic and toxic substances, and the hereditary factor also influences.

Posthemorrhagic anemia

It occurs because of heavy blood loss, for example, with frequent injuries, profuse menstrual, stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids, cancer.

Types of anemia in women

Women are more prone to anemia than men. The reasons are obvious - they are abundant menstruation, gynecological diseases, pregnancy, childbirth, adherence to diets, vegetarianism. In women, most often appears hemolytic, iron deficiency and aplastic anemia.

Determination of the type of anemia by blood analysis

To detect anemia, you need to give a general blood test. The main signs of anemia are deviations in such indicators:

If there are such deviations, you need a more detailed blood test to identify a specific type of anemia.