Constipation in a child - what to do?

Constipation refers to one of the most common gastrointestinal pathologies in children. Let's look at what constipation is and how to help the child with such a problem.

Constipation and the causes of its appearance in children

Constipation is a violation of the intestine, manifested in a difficult act of defecation or the absence of emptying the intestine for a long time. The frequency of stool with normal bowel function depends on the age of the child. In a baby up to six months, it can be emptied 2 times a day or more with the mucus type of feces. With half a year and up to 1,5 years, a stool is considered normal up to 2 times a day with feces in the form of "sausage" or "balls". In children, "artificers" for up to a year, as well as for preschoolers and schoolchildren, constipation is considered the absence of emptying once a day.

If a child has a regular chair, but he is pushing, crying, and the feces have the form of small hard balls, this is also considered constipation. Sometimes when defecating in the rectum, cracks appear, and the child has constipation with blood on the stool, which, with frequent occurrence, leads to the development of hemorrhoids. The appearance of temperature and constipation in the child not only testifies to a viral infection, but also of a fecal intoxication. Constant stool delays (about 3 months or more) indicate the development of chronic constipation in children. All these cases require compulsory medical consultation.

Constipation is functional and anatomical . The latter arise as a result of defects in the formation of the large intestine or after operations on the intestine. Most of the children have functional constipation. The main causes of constipation in children are:

  1. Malnutrition of the baby or lactating mother.
  2. A sedentary lifestyle and muscle weakness.
  3. Reception of medicines (antibiotics, antispasmodics, diuretics).
  4. Diseases - endocrine, neurological and autoimmune.
  5. Stress (new collective, fright, unfamiliar situation, loss of a loved one) often leads to psychological constipation in the child.
  6. Clay invasion.

Treatment of constipation in children

If there is constipation, you should consult a doctor - a children's gastroenterologist, who will prescribe tests to determine the cause of bowel dysfunction. At anatomic constipation the child is assigned a surgical solution to the problem. Use laxatives is undesirable, because they are addictive and make the intestines "lazy." A specialist can prescribe a safe medicinal product with lactuose (for example, dyufalac), which improves intestinal motility and creates a favorable environment for beneficial bacteria. Breast and older children will also benefit from safe micro-lymph micro-lactam. In addition, a special diet will be prescribed for constipation in children. At it it is recommended to use the products promoting easy emptying of an intestine - carrots, a beet, plums, dried fruits, bran and black bread, oat porridge, sour-milk products. Be sure to use sufficient liquid (water, compotes, decoctions, fruit drinks). If the baby has constipation, diet should be followed by a nursing mother.

Constipation in children: folk remedies

However, if a person is strongly constipated in a child suffering from pain and discomfort, waiting for admission to the doctor is not necessary. You can try to solve the problem yourself:

Constipation in a child should not become a routine affair. Parents need to pay attention to the child's chair and prevent the flow of constipation into a chronic form.