Allergic dermatitis in children

Allergic dermatitis is an allergy that manifests itself on the skin of a child caused by toxins or allergens. If you do not take a medical term, then in people such a disease is called diathesis. Skin redness, spots and any rash, is a non-standard reaction to ordinary stimuli.

More often, allergic dermatitis occurs in infants. The child just came into being from the clean and cozy environment of my mother's tummy, and the world around him is alien to him. Therefore, any aggressive environment can cause an inadequate response of the body. Allergic dermatitis can appear in the baby, as well as in a child under five. In this age period the organism is trained, immunity is formed, which in the future protects against various allergens.

Also there is an allergic contact dermatitis in older children. It can appear from the contact of the skin with that thing on which there is an allergy. It can be powders, conditioners, ornaments, frost, heat, diapers.

There is a form of toxic-allergic dermatitis in children. It is manifested when the allergen gets through the digestive tract or by the respiratory route. It can be a polluted environment, household chemicals, new medications.

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis in children:

Treatment of allergic dermatitis in children

With dermatitis, a complex treatment is prescribed. The main thing to identify the allergen (food, contact with skin or respiratory). The recommendation includes a diet, removal of contact with the allergen, treatment of manifested foci. Careful skin care is required. Various creams and ointments are applied. For the right choice of a method of treatment, it is better to contact a children's consultation.

Diet in children with allergic dermatitis

It is advisable to comply with the diet up to three years. Exclude citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, mushrooms, honey, strawberries. Limitations in eggs, sugar, salt for each child individually. You can eat meat, dairy products. Fruit is also individually. In boiled form, you can pumpkin, carrots, beets.

Allergic dermatitis in children is temporary. The main thing is to recognize the disease in time. The child grows and the immunity grows stronger. A good preventive maintenance is long breastfeeding, properly introduced complementary foods and healthy food.