Furacilin - ointment

Ointment with Furatsilin, like tablets, has antimicrobial properties. It is used mainly for skin problems, be it mechanical damage or an ulcer. In addition, this remedy is often used in folk medicine to solve everyday problems. You can buy the drug in every pharmacy - like tablets it costs cheap.

Instructions for the use of ointments based on furacilin

The drug has a simple composition - nitrofural, and as an auxiliary substance, white soft paraffin is used. It is intended for use when:

The ointment is applied directly to the problem site and the area closest to it. If this allows an ailment, you can leave the wound open so that the skin breathes. If necessary, the treated surface from above is closed with a bandage. Repeat the application of the ointment once a day. The course of treatment depends on the ailment and its stage.

Contraindications to the use of ointment with furatsilinom

Contraindications include open bleeding, allergic dermatosis and individual intolerance of the components.

Alternative use

In addition to using the ointment for the intended purpose, other methods are also envisaged. For example, furatsilinovuyu ointment is actively used as a remedy for sweating. To do this, before going to bed, apply medicine to the clean skin of the problem areas. Allow to dry. Rinse in the morning. Since the ointment has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, after a few days the unpleasant odor should decrease or completely disappear. The main thing is always to wear fresh clothes. During the day, you can use other personal hygiene products.

The procedure should be repeated once a day. The course should last at least a week, but not more than two.