Rhinitis in the child - 2 years

Rhinitis happens in every person and, as a rule, does not give the adult special problems. But here a cold in a 2 year old child causes him discomfort, which is not so easy to get rid of. The baby becomes whiny, and the nights turn into a nightmare, because the stuffy nose does not let you breathe freely.

What is a common cold and why does it appear?

Snot is a natural reaction of any organism to the attack of viruses or allergens. The mucous membrane of the nose tries to protect the body from the harmful intrusion by elevated mucus. That is, it turns out that this state is not a problem at all, but does it cause discomfort? How to be - to treat or not runny nose to the child in 2 years?

The child has a runny nose - what to do?

In order for an unpleasant disease to pass as soon as possible, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for this. Cool air within 18-20 ° C will be the best treatment. To the child was warm, it should be well dressed, but do not warm up the air. If the apartment is hot, then you can achieve a temperature reduction by regular through ventilation, during which the baby should be taken to another room.

The second component of the speedy recovery is the humidity of the room air, in which the baby is awake and asleep, for a sickly little girl it should be within 60-70%. To measure the saturation of air with moisture, in each house it is necessary to have a device - a hygrometer. When the indicators do not correspond to the norm, a modern air humidifier will come to the rescue - the gadget is very useful not only in a family with small children, but also for adults.

And, finally, the third obligatory point is to give a drink to the baby abundantly and often. Even if he refuses, give slightly warm compotes, morsels or clean water you need at least a teaspoon every 10 minutes. Do not dehydrate the body.

If the air is dry and warm, the baby does not drink the liquid, it will very quickly lead to the mucus in the nose dry out and the nasal congestion will be replaced by a stuffiness that is worse for the baby. But this is not the only problem. A dry nose, not protected by mucus, lets microbes further into the pharynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. And a common runny nose develops into bronchitis or pneumonia, although it could end in the nose if the measures were observed.

Means for the common cold for children

That the spout could normally breathe, especially at night, he needs help. In the first place - a variety of saline solutions, which abound in the shelves of pharmacies. It can be made independently from boiled water and sea salt. Such salty droplets need to be moistened with mucous membranes every two hours. After a few minutes, the spout should be cleaned with cotton wool, and afterwards, the oil droplets intended for the treatment of a cold in a child at the age of 2 years should be buried in it.

Vasodilating drops, as a rule, only exacerbate the situation. Firstly - they very much overdry the nasal mucosa and even the nasopharynx, which leads to coughing and choking in the throat. Secondly - the nozzle for a while is able to breathe freely, but then it again pawns and forms a vicious circle, the body gets used to the drops and without them can not.

Is it possible to cure a cold to the child with folk remedies?

Our grandmothers always knew how to rid the child of a cold. Many mothers still apply their experience to practice. Folk remedies can alleviate a child's condition, but only need to be sure that the baby will not respond with an allergic reaction to seemingly innocuous home-made "medicines."

For the treatment of a cold at the age of 2 years, steam inhalations with eucalyptus and mint are used. You can get sticks, but not more than 5 minutes. To the nozzle, a boiled egg, wrapped in a kerchief, is placed on both sides.

At home, you can bury the baby with diluted Kalanchoe juice, a mixture of carrot, beet and honey juices - with an obligatory test for sensitivity, because these are potential allergens.

With decoction of the oak bark, you need to be careful and use only with liquid snots, because it quickly dries out the mucous membrane. And do not forget to lubricate the baby's skin near the nose with petroleum jelly, to prevent irritation from the common cold.