Contests for a birthday for children

The birthday of the child is the happiest for the parents. On this day you need to give him not only gifts, but also organize a holiday, to amuse the birthday boy and his friends. Contests for children on the birthday of the child give the opportunity to organize a fun celebration at home or in nature, will not let the kids get bored and help them get carried away.

Here are funny and harmless options.

Only bagels

Children should answer all questions with a "bagel". You need to ask them quickly, if you prepare many interesting questions, you will get a lot of fun.


Children built in a circle should catch ("eat") or throw the ball ("do not eat"). The leader calls edible or inedible items, this competition is very fond of children.

Whose thing?

For kids, you can put things in the box from the whole apartment - the remote from the TV, hair clips, jars of cream, spoons, combs. The music accompaniment is switched on, the child must give the thing to the person to whom it belongs. It turns out pretty funny.

Who hid there?

A well-known character is drawn on a piece of paper. The host opens the picture a little. Who was the first to guess who is depicted is the winner.


In the center you need to put a box with a prize. To children to give out balls (unbound), to everyone a different color. At the command of the guys release the balls, they break out and make various figures in the air. Whose balloon came closer to the box with a gift - he won.


In nature, you can organize the game "Earth and Sky". Catching is permitted by the command of those who stand with their feet on the ground. Participants who have jumped on a chair or a rocking horse can not be caught, they are considered birds in the sky.

In search of treasure

In nature, an inflatable pool is filled with a solution of soap and foam, beads, coins, small toys are hidden in it. Whoever finds the treasure is the winner. Children are often delighted with the search.


Funny contest for a birthday for children - clothespins, participants are asked to turn away and count to thirty. During this time it is necessary to hang as many clothespins as possible to all kinds of places. Who will collect a larger number of the team, he won.

Hit the target

On birthday for boys you can arrange a competition for accuracy for children. To do this, you will need to draw a target and take balls with Velcro. After the competition, you need to calculate your points.

Downed Pilots

We need to make 5-6 airplanes and 20 paper lumps. The host starts the airplanes, and the participants try to bring them down. Who hit the most - gets a prize.

Air Hockey

In the conditional gate, you must drive the balloon with a tennis racket or other ball, using it as a stick. Compete several participants.

Puss in the bag

In the bag, you need to add a few items. The participant must determine by touch what it is. The one who will guess the objects will win. Especially funny with soft toys.

The sad princess

This fun contest for the child's birthday is suitable for girls. One guest or birthday girl sits on a chair in the middle. The task of the participants is to make her laugh, and the princesses - not to laugh.

Sister Alenushka

It is required to fasten the speed of the handkerchief to a balloon and draw a face. Very funny faces are obtained.

Writing with wishes

At the end of the holiday, you can go out into the street with balloons filled with helium. Let the guys write their wish letters on them and let them go to heaven.

It is important to award all winners with prizes and gifts prepared in advance. Such fun and interesting entertainment during the holiday will not allow anyone to get bored.