Pantogam - indications for use

Pantogam is a medicinal nootropic drug. It is used to treat a variety of diseases of the nervous system. It positively affects the brain cells (especially their resistance to a shortage of carbohydrates), improves mental activity. It is used to treat babies from birth and adults.

Features of the drug

The main indications for the use of the preparation Pantogam include:

Indications for the use of Pantogam may be a weakened state and a decrease in physical ability to work. Also Pantogam can be prescribed for thyrotoxicosis and is used against hair loss.

Methods of administration and dose

This medication is taken orally after a meal (15-30 minutes).

In tablets, adults need to take 0.25-1 g for one dose. Treatment continues for 1-4 months or up to six months. Also possible and a second course.

In syrup, adults are prescribed 2.5-10 ml at a time. The course of treatment is the same as with the use of tablets.

Children prescribe a syrup in a dose of 2.5-5 ml (single dose). Duration of treatment is the same as in adults.

There are some features in the use of the drug in the pathology of the nervous system in children. It is best to prescribe it in a dose of 1-3 g, then increase the dose to the maximum allowed and continue to drink for 20-40 days (according to the doctor's recommendations).
