Kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss - menu and rules

Many people dream of losing weight fast, and kefir-buckwheat diet is considered the best assistant in this case. This technique is seriously aimed at the rapid melting of kilograms without harm to significant harm to the body. Having tried it once, people take it as a rule to arrange unloading days for kefir with buckwheat.

Kefir and buckwheat - benefit

Not for nothing that nutritionists distinguish these two products and advise them to regularly use them together. Buckwheat, filled with kefir, gives the body a large amount of vitamins (group B, PP, E) and minerals (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc) and can completely replace any other products for a week. Their combination provides:

Many do not know what useful buckwheat with yogurt and how it affects the body. In fact, the scheme is very simple. Buckwheat kernels being in the stomach perfectly clean it, and kefir helps to remove the slag. The advantage of this food is:

Buckwheat with yogurt - recipe

If you do not want to radically change your diet, then you can simply replace the usual breakfast with this dish. Buckwheat, soaked in kefir, can give a charge of vivacity before lunch time, and help restore the work of the digestive tract. The recipe for its preparation is simple and economical, such a "budget option" for food.

Buckwheat, soaked in kefir

Ingredients for 1 serving:


  1. Pour the buckwheat with water for 15 minutes.
  2. In a deep bowl, pour kefir and pour the rump into it.
  3. Leave for at least eight hours in a cool place covered with a lid.
  4. If desired, you can add a little berries or dried fruits.

Kefir-buckwheat diet for weight loss

A proven diet on kefir and buckwheat takes a leading position in the forums about weight reduction. It shows excellent results in a short time and has virtually no contraindications. Losing weight on it gives a lasting result, kilograms do not return, with the correct exit from it. Lose weight advise before the beginning of the course to practice with unloading days , and afterwards to proceed for long periods.

The diet includes the following ingredients for one day:

Groats are poured with yogurt and left overnight. In the morning, the finished mixture is divided into 5-6 meals and is used at intervals of two to three hours. Salt and sugar can not be added. If you become completely unbearable, you can eat one apple. During the day you can drink green tea without sugar and plenty of water. The last portion should be eaten no later than three hours before bedtime.

Nutritional buckwheat, infused with kefir, does not match with:

Kefir-buckwheat diet for 3 days

Express diet is designed to get rid of two to three kilograms for a minimum period. For the body it will be in the form of some discharge, getting rid of toxins and toxins. The result will be noticeable if you follow the diet exactly because the kefir-buckwheat diet is very effective. It includes two main components that need to be fed on a certain menu with alternate meals:

The last meal should be about three to four hours before bedtime. Discharge of the stomach occurs already on the second day, there are symptoms of swelling and severity. Kefir-buckwheat diet, the menu of which is very strict, requires a strong exposure, but it provides the following result:

Unloading day on buckwheat and kefir

Unloading days are necessary for every person. The body gets tired of constantly working in an active mode, as well as digesting harmful and heavy food. Buckwheat with yogurt works wonders, and they only have one day to do it. The result of this nutrition is revealed as follows:

You can carry out unloading more than once every two weeks. The first time may seem heavy, afterwards the stomach itself will remind you of the need for rest. To this day you need to prepare yourself in the evening, filling a glass of buckwheat with low-fat kefir. In the morning you should divide the porridge into portions and not eat anything other than it. For a positive result, even snacks, except for green tea, are forbidden.

Kefir-buckwheat diet is the way out

As in any other dietary diet, the way out of the buckwheat-kefir diet should be gradual, without disruption. It is advised to carefully consider calories and eat according to the following principle:

  1. In the first three days, meals with any food should not exceed 600 calories.
  2. In the next two weeks, you should stick to a bar of 1500 calories.
  3. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables in raw form, exclude fried and heavy food.

Buckwheat with yogurt - contraindications

Dieticians note that the harm of kefir and buckwheat can still be. The most important is personal intolerance in humans, in which case you need to choose another way of losing weight for yourself. The cause of the impossibility of this food can become and some chronic diseases:

With prolonged dietary nutrition , blood pressure may decrease. Non-compliance with contraindications can intensify painful processes with old problems. It is forbidden to sit on it during pregnancy and during lactation. When choosing this menu, you should first consult with a specialist or start eating from unloading days.