How to wear a bandage for pregnant women?

The bandage for expectant mothers was created specifically to prevent the premature dropping of the fetus. But wearing a bandage for pregnant women should be correct, because otherwise, it is possible to squeeze the abdomen, which adversely affects the intrauterine development of the child.

When it is shown to wear a bandage during pregnancy

I wonder why pregnant women need a bandage at all? After all, our mothers and grandmothers did well without such adaptations. The purpose of the bandage is to reduce physical fatigue, load on the legs and overwork. Correctly selected bandage can relieve the burden on the spine and, consequently, relieve pain in the lower back. Another big plus of wearing a bandage during pregnancy is the prevention of stretch marks in the abdominal area.

Wearing a bandage during pregnancy is recommended when:

  1. The woman is on her feet for at least 2 - 3 hours in a row and leads an active lifestyle.
  2. If a woman has pain in the lumbar region, varicose veins, pain in the legs, osteochondrosis.
  3. Wearing a band is recommended in case of multiple pregnancies. Also, the bandage will be protected from significant stretching of the abdominal wall during repeated pregnancy.
  4. The bandage can prevent some types of pathology during childbirth and the threat of spontaneous abortion.

You should see how to wear a bandage during pregnancy should be in the fourth or fifth month. It is at this time that the woman is beginning to be bothered by stretch marks due to an increase in the abdomen volume. Prenatal bandage can be worn right up to the very birth in the absence of contraindications. And, by the way, in the old days pregnant women tied the belly with their handkerchiefs, already creating an improvised bandage.

When it is not recommended to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

There are no special contraindications to the use of a bandage. However, it is necessary nevertheless, to consult to the attending physician. It is not desirable to use an antenatal bandage in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the tissue from which this linen is made and in the presence of skin diseases.

You should not wear a bandage if after the 30th week of pregnancy the fetus does not take the correct position. First, you need to correct the lateral fit and, only after that, with a clear conscience wear a prenatal bandage.

Proper wearing of the bandage during pregnancy

Before choosing a laundry, you should familiarize yourself with several simple rules how to wear a bandage to pregnant women.

  1. Since wearing a bandage pregnant should be, without squeezing the stomach, the correct way is to lie on the back with slightly raised hips. If you had to go to the toilet during the walk, the procedure changes slightly. You should bend back, raise your hand and press your stomach, fixing this position with a bandage.
  2. When purchasing a bandage, check the availability of the instruction, in which the necessary recommendations should be presented, how to wear a bandage for pregnant women.
  3. It is unacceptable to wear a bandage permanently. If by service, you have to stay on the workplace for a long time on your feet, every three to four hours you need to do a half-hour break. When a child shows excessive anxiety or a woman experiences a lack of air and a feeling of squeezing, the bandage should be removed immediately.

However, how correctly to put on a bandage for pregnant women and to wear, will prompt to the woman its or her sensation. After all, a properly selected prenatal bandage will not cause a feeling of discomfort, on the contrary, greatly facilitating the life of the future mother.