Can coffee be pregnant in the early stages?

Having learned about their pregnancy, every woman should reconsider her habits in order to protect some of them from the negative influence of her newly born life. One of the questions that interest future moms is whether coffee can be pregnant at an early date, it's no secret that coffee has become a real addiction, and even a problem of modern society.

Despite the fact that coffee people have been using for a long time, only in the last century there was information about its negative effect on the body, if you drink a drink in excessive doses. But this does not stop lovers of fragrant drugs. Yes, yes, because the caffeine contained in it acts like a narcotic, and that's why it's so difficult to refuse from it.

What is the harm of coffee?

The main active ingredient is caffeine, promotes the flow of blood from the placenta, and it can mean a threat of fetoplacental insufficiency and hypoxia of the fetus. Through the placenta, he enters the body of the embryo and this negatively affects the development of his nervous system. Caffeine, getting into the blood, interferes with the absorption of calcium, so necessary in the period of gestation and mother, and the fetus for which it is the main building material of the skeleton.

If someone else doubts whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink coffee at an early date, then the information that the coffee mates have a frequency of miscarriages of 60% will make even the most inveterate lovers of aromatic poison think.

Now you know if it's harmful to pregnant women. But how to be, if a woman has a few cups a day - is this a norm, and she can not sharply cut his reception? There are several ways to get rid of the habit of drinking this drink, and the main motivation is to become a kid, because every mother has to do everything that depends on her, so that the child is born healthy.

Can pregnant women be decaffeinated, or how to deceive the body?

Do not be mistaken, thinking that there are varieties that supposedly do not contain dangerous caffeine. After all, as is known, roasting is not used to process such grains, which actually reduces its quantity in the product, but not completely.

To slightly deceive the caffeine-dependent organism, you can, instead of drinking coffee in the early stages of pregnancy, buy its substitute - a delicious and useful soluble chicory root . Those who are accustomed to increasing the pressure with the help of a coffee drink, it will have to taste, because its effect on the body is similar, but without the side effects of natural coffee.

Lovers of sweets will be approached by giving up coffee in favor of cocoa with milk. This useful product has a positive effect on the female body, but it needs to be taken in moderation so as not to cause another problem - excess weight, due to an excess of carbohydrates.

If a woman can not in any way disaccustom herself from a pernicious habit, it should minimize the number of cups of coffee a day, and also drink it less saturated, adding cream or milk. It will be good if instead of ground coffee, go to a soluble analogue, in which caffeine is several times less.

Pregnancy is the period when a freakish, frivolous girl gradually turns into a sensible woman, who is preparing to take care of her children. Therefore, the proof of its validity in the role of the mother and will be a rejection of what can harm the unborn baby, whose body depends entirely on the degree of responsibility of his mother.

Close, in turn, should completely support the future mother and help her rebuild to a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. Dad, too, will not be superfluous to give up the bad habit of drinking a lot of coffee or smoking, which is passively acting on the baby.