Chicken in the oven - calories

Chicken is one of the most commonly used foods. It is more affordable in cost than beef and pork, and less stresses the biliary tract and digestive tract. The meat of this bird forms the basis of many diets. It has the lowest caloric content in boiled form, but, of course, the most beloved most people dish is the chicken baked in the oven, the calorie content of which varies between 190-250 kcal per 100 g of product. It all depends on the recipe, according to which it is prepared.

The harm of a chicken baked in the oven

70% of the total number of calories of a chicken baked in the oven is given to fats, only 30% are needed for proteins. The highest calorie content of roast chicken in the oven is on her skin, in which cholesterol is concentrated. For this reason, doctors, especially nutritionists, recommend using it to eat to remove poultry from the poultry. It does not carry any useful substances in itself, but overloads the pancreas. Its use not only can provoke an attack in people with a weak liver and bile-excreting ways, but also lead to an increase in blood sugar levels due to excessive activity of these organs. Therefore, if you really care about your health, you should not be afraid, first of all, of the calories of the chicken cooked in the oven, but of its effects on the body.

Benefits of chicken baked in the oven

But do not think that there is nothing of value in the chicken. It is rich in an easily digestible protein. It also has a lot of vitamin A, which improves eyesight, protects the mucous membranes of the body, improves skin condition and even can prevent the occurrence of cancer. In addition, it positively affects the reproductive system. When baking in the oven, the caloric content of the chicken, of course, increases, as the proportion of fats increases, but in it, practically, the useful substances are stored in full.