Hairstyles with elastic bands

When there is no time to do hairstyles, using cosmetics and appliances, ordinary gums will come to the rescue. They will help you to easily create beautiful, original and stylish hairstyles on hair of any length.

Hairdos with elastic bands for medium length hair

For one of the hairstyles with elastic bands:

  1. You will need eight small rubber bands. It is best to choose silicone, under the color of your hair. They better keep the curls and are almost invisible on the head.
  2. Before you make such a hairstyle with elastic bands, comb your hair well and sprinkle a little with a spray . Then they will not crumble.
  3. Do parting by dividing the hair into two equal parts in thickness.
  4. After this, divide each of them into two parts (four strands are obtained).
  5. Take one of them, divide in two and tie two ponytails. Do the same with the other three parts. As a result, you should have eight beams.
  6. Pick up the tail that is located above the right temple, remove the elastic from the second tail and add a strand from under the first rubber band to it, and then put on the elastic band again. Do this action in a circle.
  7. As a result, you will have a tail that needs to be gently pushed into the first rubber, without removing it.

With silicone elastic bands, you can make double-sided hairstyles. For example, this:

  1. Make a straight parting, dividing all the locks into two equal parts.
  2. Divide one part from top to bottom into 6 parts.
  3. Make the upper tail normal.
  4. To the second and subsequent tail, attach the end of the previous one.
  5. Do the same on the other side.

This hairstyle is created with the help of silicone rubber bands, but the last tail is best fixed with a beautiful barrette .

Hairstyle with elastic bands for long hair

If you are the owner of long curls, then you can diversify your image with the help of such a hairstyle with elastic bands:

  1. Well comb your hair, separate from the top of the head two small strands and fix them with an elastic band.
  2. Dip a little gum down and make a small hole through which to drag the tail.
  3. Pull up the elastic band.
  4. Take a small string on each side of the head and tie it with an elastic band.
  5. Repeat the movement from point number 2.
  6. Fix the lower tail with an elastic band.

Also a very beautiful hairstyle with elastic bands for hair is obtained if:

  1. Tie a very low tail.
  2. Weave it into a pigtail and twist it at the base.
  3. Fixing a simple or decorative rubber band braid, you will get a practical hairstyle for any occasion.